The Giant
Pet was bored at home with watching his Ellest try to keep him full. It usually took two buicks to fill Pet, so you could imagine her effort! Ellest was in the kitchen about 16 hours a day cooking for him and, like Pet said, she was pregnant three fourths of the time! He yawned and decided to go and visit Ringo before dinner.
There was a knock on Ringo’s door. He happily went up to it.
"Yes?" He said. He gasped and slammed the door when he saw Pet. Barbara came up to him.
"Who’s that?" She asked.
"Quick! Hide all the food and lock the kitchen door!"
"Oh God! It’s him!!" Barbara ran to the kitchen and locked every cupboard and door. Ringo took a deep breath and opened the door again.
"Hello, Pet...." Ringo said. "Come in."
"I know what this is about....Don’t worry. I had a big breakfast."
"Big for you or me?"
"Ho ho! Richard, you’re a crack up!"
"You didn’t answer my question..." Ringo shut the door and there came another knock. Ringo opened it to see John panting and breathing heavily.
"Ringo (puff)....Pet’s....ugh....heading this....way...." John said. Pet appeared in John’s view. "AAAAHHHH!!!" Pet frowned and stormed over to the arm chair.
"Damn it! Listen! I eat a lot, I know! Its not like I can help it! But I’m not here to eat. I wanted to come by and talk. Can’t I do that once in a great while??" Pet yelled. His skin started to turn green. Ringo remembered that if Pet got pissed off, he would turn into a giant version of his animal self and destroy and/or eat everything. His skin turning green wasn’t a good sign. Ringo ran to him and pet his head.
"Relax, Pet. I understand. It’s a mistake of nature! We know how you feel. Just calm down and then we can talk..."
"Richard! You don’t understand!" Pet cried, his eyes tearing up. "I can’t go on living like this with people fearing me and....I wish I was normal like you..."
"With a nose like that?" John interupted.
"I wouldn’t care, John, I wouldn’t care..." Pet started crying. "I wouldn’t care." His skin started turning green again.
"I thought you only turned into a beast when you were angry! Don’t do it Pet! Hold it back!" Ringo pleaded. "You can do it!" Pet clutched his stomach in pain and ran from the house.
"Must be hungry..." John said.
Pet ran what seemed for ever, yet he kept changing. He finally collapsed in the woods gasping for air and in pain. He was changing too rapidly.
"I wouldn’t care...." Were Pet’s last words before he grew into a giant lizard creature with Ringo’s face and funny ears.
"Pet! Someone cried. Pet looked in back of him. It was Ellest, running to him.
"Ellest, go home! You’re not supposed to be running in...your condition. I can’t go on!" Pet told her.
"Pet! Calm down and come home. Please. We’re worried about you!"
"Go home, Ellest!" Pet grew again. He didn’t realize that he could keep growing! He ran from Ellest. Ellest trotted after him, then stopped, figuring he was too big and fast to follow. Ringo and John joined her at the spot, following Pet’s tracks.
"Where’d he go?" Ringo asked her. She hugged him.
"Pet can keep growing, Richard! He can get bigger than that! He’s got to calm down or else he’ll out grow the earth! Can you guys follow him?"
"He’s moving pretty fast, we’d need some kind of animal to ride." John said. He looked to Ringo.
"Well, George has a lab, right?"
"He can make things and change things, right?"
"Right. But what are you....Oh no! Don’t think about it! Get that outta your head, right now!"
"But Ringo, this would help everything. Let’s just watch him for now."
"How can we? He’s about ten miles away by now!"
"I meant on the tele. The press is bound to find him."
And it did! Pet ran and grew for ten miles until he stood nearly bigger than a five story house. And he headed in the general direction of the city. He stopped to rest, where he looked over his should and laid down.
"What a scoop!" some one said. Pet looked down to see reporters, thousands of them! Cameras flashing, people talking, pads of paper....
"Leave me alone! I’m a beast!" Pet roared and ran off. He went into the city, where his growth was inconvenient...
"You think the press will find him?" Ringo asked John as he flicked on the television.
"Look! Turn it up!" John said. On the television, Ringo gasped. Pet was lodged between two buildings.
"He’s huge!" Ringo yelled.
"My goodness!" Barbara said. "What are you guys going to do?"
"First, we wait until Pet gets outta this mess....Ever see "Godzilla"? Anyway, He’s bound to grow and break those buildings over."
"Those poor people!" Barbara said. "They’ll be killed!" She ran to the phone and called one of the army men on the scene. He had the buildings evacuated. Good thing too, ‘cuse just then, a helicopter with reporters in it flew into Pet’s face, asked questions, took blinding photos and made lots of racket.
"Leave me ALONE!!!" Pet screamed and grew some more, just as in John’s theory, knocking the two buildings over. No one was injured although it was quite a scare! Pet leaped from the trap and into the streets, continuing to grow, but not getting lodged any more.
"We’ve gotta save him before he kills some one or himself!" Ringo said, leaping up and running to the door. John ran after him.
"Let’s get the others first! I’ve got a plan!" John said.
"No! I won’t do it!" Ringo said to him. But by then, John had his wrists and was heading to Paul’s.
Pet ran and bawld as cops, helicopters, tanks and even foot soliders chased him, only making his temper grow along with his size. No tank would take him out. But no one saw him doing any harm so figured he was hamrless, they decided to follow the monster anyway.
"Hello....?" Paul said. John and Ringo were panting at his door while he stood proud and clean with his arms akimbo at the threshhold.
"I heard about Pet. I’d be glad to help you. Let’s go to George’s" Ringo tapped John on the shoulder.
"Can we take a CAR this time???" Ringo asked him.
"Most definetly!" Paul started the car and the others piled in and off to George’s they went.
"Yeah, I can make potions and spells, why? What horrible thing are you going to do to Ringo this time?" George asked. He rolled his eyes and led them in to his lab. Buttons, dials, bleeping things, colors, levers, bottles, pipes, wires and any stereotypical lab item was visible.
"Is this why you pay so much for electricity?" John asked.
"I see that you are the master of stating the obvious." George said. He pulled out some papers and sat at a table, inviting the other three to follow his example.
"What may I do for you?" George asked.
"Nothing! Absolutely nothing!" Ringo cried. John slapped his hand over Ringo’s mouth.
"We need Ringo to become something big or a bigger version of himself so he can follow and calm Pet down." John said, while Ringo tried prying his hand from his face and shaking his head back and forth.
"I see, hmmm....." George thought and got up to pace around. He picked Ringo up and brought him to an examining table.
"Don’t do it! Please!" Ringo begged.
"This might save the world, Ringo! You always wanted to be a hero..." George said. "Now, all I have to do is study your mind and blood type, then I can give you a potion."
"But I don’t wanna!!!!" George strapped him down and duct taped his mouth shut. He took a sample of his blood and checked his brain waves.
"Hmmmm...." George said. Paul came over.
"He seems to have a GREATER brain than any of us!"
"He does dream a lot..." George mixed some things together and gave them to Ringo, who was now up and pouting.
"Drink this when you are eight yards in back of him."
"I want my mommy!!!!" He began bawling. After much back patting and "there, theres", Ringo and the rest were on the scene. Pet was straight ahead of them, running very fast. The ground bounced and trembled.
"Ever see Jurassic Park?" Paul asked John.
"I’m amazed at your interest in movies, really." John said. Pet suddenly noticing them stopped in a screeching tornado of dust and grass that showered them. Pet was enormous. Ringo quaked. Pet must’ve been nearly as big as the empire state building.
"MASTER!!!" Pet screamed. The voice threw Ringo into the ground.
"P...P...P...Pet?" John squeaked, also amazed at his height.
"MASTER!! HELP ME!!! THEY WANT TO STUDY ME IN SOME COLLEGE!!!! WHY CAN’T I STOP GROWING????" Pet was a mess. He threw his head to the ground and bawled, causing himself to grow some more. Ringo popped the cork out. He wasn’t sure what he was doing, but he drank it anyway. He clutched his stomach and was suddenly a giant! No, he was bigger! He was the size of himself if Pet was a small animal! He was at least three times as big as Pet. Pet was just a little animal in his arms. Ringo cuddled him and rocked him, while he bawled. Pet started to shrink, quickly. Soon, Pet was a tiny dot in Ringo’s enormous hands. Ringo set him down, at least he assumed he did, just as the army and helicopters arrived. Ringo stood straight up and the helicopters were only up to his waist. The copters landed and the media swarmed the guys below. Ringo hiccuped loudly and POOF! He was hovering in the air four thousand feet up. He fell and fell and fell. Pet was the only one who saw him under the crowd. He leaped up incredibly high and caught Ringo, potentially knocking him out. Pet landed, crowed everyone into the car, and learned how to drive the hard way.
"Pet you were amazing! Especially in driving!" John said. Pet and the others sat at the dinner table at Ringo’s house. Barbara brought them sirloin steaks and rounds of beers. Pet grinned and blushed.
"I was only trying to get away from the damn press and those choppers." Pet said, taking a sip of the beer. There was a knock on the door, Barbara answered it.
"Ellest!" Pet screamed after spewing up the beer. Ellest looked angry.
"Damn it! I told you to come home before dinner! Come now..." Ellest grabbed his ear, as big as it was, and dragged him out the door. The others sat stunned for a while, then laughed.
"And we wonder why he turned into a super monster!!" Paul laughed.