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More info on Freddy vs. Jason

As I previously stated, finding reliable info on the making of this movie is like searching for a needle in an ocean. Last I heard, they were working on the fifth re-write of the script, which was the one written by James Robinson & David S. Goyer. Now there is supposedly a different screenwriter, and I am really wondering about the future of this film. I'll try not to get discouraged and continue to update this page, for I still have faith that this movie will be released during my lifetime.
What they've thrown away so far is interesting, and hopefully they are only tossing these ideas because they have much better ones. Here are the first three script ideas:

#1: It starts off in 17th century Italy and has something to do with prophecies of the end of the universe. As it skips to present day, Freddy and Jason unleashed unto the world at the same time are part of the old prophecies.
#2: A cult of Freddy worshippers raise the dream man from his grave through a powerful ritual. Somehow, an opposing group brings back Jason from Crystal Lake to stop him.
#3: Satan resurrects Jason and Freddy to cause unholy chaos on Earth. Instead, they kill Satan together and battle each other for control over Hell.

Now, I don't know what they have in store for the newest script, but throughout the process the idea has been to make both Freddy and Jason more of the creepy fiends they were in their earlier films. This also means that Freddy will be more focused on scaring the crap out of people than making wisecrack comments to his victims.
Also note that "Jason X" is to be released first, which is just one more thing to delay the release of FvJ. I have managed to get a little bit of info about JASON X.

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