Taxi Theme Song and Quotes

Click here to hear the Classic Taxi Theme Song!

Hilarious Quotes!!

Louie: "Ignatowski's got a father? There goes my spore theory!"

Alex: "You know something, Lou? I can't believe this but I'm accually tempted to go to that party. . .it's sort of a nagging curiosity in me. That kind of a morbid curiousity when you pass a car wreck, you just gotta slow down. When you got a sore in your mouth, you just got to put your tongue to it so you know it hurts. When you got a container of milk that you know is spoiled, you just gotta smell it before you throw it out."
Louie: "I can't wait either."

Alex: "You are a flake!. . .I mean that you've done some crazy things."
Jim: "Name one!"
Alex: "You lived in a condemmed building for four years."
Jim: "You're confusing flakiness with style!"
(later on) Alex: "You told me that if you could be anybody else in the world you would still be yourself so you wouldn't have to buy new clothes."

Kirk: "Remember the night I came up to you at the bar I said 'Are you two together?' (referring to Tony and Elaine)
Tony: "Yeah, I told you we weren't?"
Kirk: "Well, she wasn't the one I was after, Tony."
Tony: (pauses)"Oh no?"
Kirk: (smiling) "No."
Tony: (pauses)"Oh no no no no no!"

Tony: "I really tried to work this one out myself but I got the worst problem in my whole life Alex. . ."
Alex: (interrupting) "Hold it right there. I've decided not to listen to anymore sentences that start like that. . ."
Tony: (interrupting) "Now wait a minute Alex. . ."
Alex: (interrupting) "No I'm serious, there's a lot of sentences that I will listen to. I mean the ones that start with, 'Alex I would like to pass on a compliment.' 'Alex, I got a woman for you,' 'Alex, I want to give you money.' Those are sentences that I will listen to. 'Alex, I got the worst problem in my life' is right up there with 'Alex, is that thing on your neck getting any bigger?'. . ."
Tony: (interrupting) "But Alex I. . ."
Alex: (interrupting) "I am through listening to other people's problems. I am no longer in that line of work. The office is closed. The doctor is out. Sally doesn't live here anymore."
Tony: "Are you finished?"
Alex: "Yes, what's your problem?"

Louie: "What you listening to Banta?"
Tony: "I can be here if I want to Louie."
Louie: "No you can't!"
Tony: "This is America Louie."
Louie: "No it isn't!
Tony: "It isn't?"
Louie: "No, this garage is LouieLand. You want to go to Amererica, go outside!"

Zena: "You got an attitude problem, you got a personailty problem. You got a sensitivity problem, you got a selfishness problem. You got an emotional problem. You got a maturity problem, you got a sexual problem."
Louie: (Looks up) "What do you mean!"
Zena: "That's all you think about!"
Louie: "And that's the problem?"
Zena: "Yeah!"