Drink 1 Sip if:

- You see a gun fired. (ignore this during the Top Dollar meeting)
- Eric is in the loft and you can't see his face.
- You see a guitar.
- Someone is smoking.
- T-Brid says "Abast the devil stood....."

Drink 2 Sips if:

- You hear someone say crap.
- Someone is drinking an alcholic beverage. (in the movie, not in the room!! jeeze!)
- You see a naked body part.
- You see a headstone.
- There is a flashback scene.

Drink 3 Sips if:

- Someone is at a hotdog stand.
- Sarah is on a skateboard.
- There is an explosion or just a tiny fire.*
- Someone falls from anything.
- There is a roof running scene.

Drink 4 Sips if:

- A cat is on screen.
- Darla is crying or is upset.
- Someone says shit. (Bet you get fucked up off this one alone.)
- Shelly is in a scene.

*Include the little fire that Top Dollar has w/ the eyeball.

Standard Legal Bullshit - I am not responsible for any injuries, deaths, or anything caused by this game. Use full discression. Don't drink if your not of age, and for god sakes, don't drink and drive!!