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You might be obsessed with Tony if...

These all came from a very cool page!!!

There's a lot more, so go there to read them.

These are my favorites

~you have a picture of Tony in your locker, and the people around you ask if that's your boyfriend whenever you open it

~when no matter what a friend mentions, you find someway to relate it to Tony. usually in less than ten seconds

~whenever you are anywhere remotely near the Ford Theater, you swear that you can "feel his presense"

~instead of your boyfriend's picture at your bedside, Tony's is there

~every one has seen your Tony autograph

~your SAT 2 preperation teacher says to you "you're pretty much lacking as far as Biology goes. I'm going to write to Tony and ask him to record himself reading a biology book-it's the only way you'll learn it" (That is so true!!)

~inconspicuous phrases like "Jesus Christ", "What's happening", and "that's what you say" launch into whole numbers from Jesus Christ Superstar

~you use the "you might be an obsessed Tony fan if..." list as your "List of Things to Do Today."

~One of his CDs is always in the #1 spot in your stereo? How could they be anything less?

~anything derogatory towards Tony is considered "fightin' words"