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The Production Trailer

Most of us TYR fans can honestly say that we know most of the episodes by heart, can tell you details about the characters, and can recite the actor's biographies without blinking an eye.

But how much do we really know about what went on behind the scenes? I can tell you that I didn't know a thing... until now! I have packed this trailer full of what I hope you will find to be really interesting information about the show. All of the following information was taken direvtly from an official ABC press kit, so please do not use any of it without first contacting me. Thanks! Now sit back in (insert your favorite star's name here) director's chair, put up your feet, and enjoy your stay!

Awards and Nominations
Throughout the three seasons that "The Young Riders" was on the air, they were nominated for many awards, and won quite a few of them!

Production Notes
These include cast and crew changes for the third season, as well as plot references. Long, but detailed and interesting, and definitely well worth the read.

Third Season Program Info
This is the program information about the show for the third season. Includes show format, cast, crew, contact info and more.

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