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Much Deserved Thanks
(and Credits)!!

This website has been in existence since April 6, 1999, and I couldn't have done it without the help of some very wonderful, and very generous people.

Ann, you were my site's very first visitor, and you were the first person to sign my guestbook! You had such wonderful comments about my page, and you really made me feel proud of it. You also helped me find and correct the glitches, so now everything is up to date and working! Thank you so much for everything! :)

The Stephen Baldwin Admiration Circle

When I first created this site, I had absolutely no pictures to put on it. I hadn't yet bought my scanner, and I couldn't find any pictures of the actors published on the internet. That was until Broedy gave me permission to use some of her amazing screen captures! Thanks Broedy!

The Kid and Lou Shrine

I wouldn't have any of the pictures in the Brett Cullen Picture Gallery if it wasn't for the generosity of Marion from The Official Brett Cullen Website. After only one day of emailing each other, I had permission to borrow some of the wonderful pictures from the site to help make my site a little better. Thank you so much Marion for all your help! You've been a wonderful friend and my site wouldn't be half as good as it is if it wasn't for you!

The Official Brett Cullen Website

Thank you Joanna for all of your wonderful words of encouragement and support of this site! You're an incredibly sweet person and TONS of fun to talk to! I look forward to more emails and picture swappings! Thanks for letting me use some of your pics!

The Way Station

Thank you Kirsten for giving me the strength and encouragment that I needed when I was about to give up on Fan Fiction! It took a while, but it finally seems to be taking off! And thank you for being a wonderful friend - I've really enjoyed our emails and your "threats" about Kid! LOL

The Saddlin' Station Station

Lisa!!! What more can I say then thank you for being such an incredible friend! "Memories Lost, Friendships Gained" was the very first story I posted on the site (and you got a great picture out of it! LOL) But what's more is that we became friends off the computer as well, and I finally found my other half! You're Greggtastic! The Greggiest! Absolutely, positively, Greggtacular! LOL

PS - Wanna grab lunch again next week? Hauhauhauhau!