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Ulrickastle's Gallery of Art and Awards!

Welcome to the gallery of art and awards! Here be some artwork of the baron, along with a couple of awards bestowed upon the kastle by the "The Seventh Planet Of Morganlafey". Ulrickastle has graciously accepted these gifts of awards bestowed upon us with many thanks, much gratitude and with great appreciation! These awards are also the first achievements of the Baron and are regarded very highly throughout the kastle! If thee has not already, click on to the awards to be transported to the realm of Morganlafey for an enchanting journey! Hazzah!!!

Hear Ye, Hear Ye, here be yet another award which has been given unto this kastlestein by 'WyndMyre Kastle' and the village of WyndMyre as well! This award of 'Knighthood' has been graciously accepted by the Baron and is also very much honoured throughout the kastle as well....Hazzah!

Artwork and Drawings of the Baron!

These Drawings were created by the baron himself and are original works of art! This is a drawing depicting a knight along side the kastle wall preparing to defend a battle siege......Huzzah!

"More Artwork Of The Baron"

This next drawing is of a knight on the field of battle, overlooking the enemy......Huzzah!

"Tapestry of Herr Rittmeister Baron Ulrick Von Ulrichstein!"

This next work of art is actually an old tapestry depicting the arms of Herr Baron Ulrick and Herr Baron charging into battle like the fierce like predetor and warrior that he is, upon charging into battle or a challenge of a joust... Huzzah!

"Ulrickastle's Awards"

Behold! Morganlafey's.... "Award Of Distinction" This award was accepted by the baron on....4-9-99

Ulrickastle's First Award Achievement!
Behold! Morganlafey's.... "Enchanting Award Of Beguilement" This award was accepted by the baron on....4-9-99
Ulrickastle's First Award Achievement!

"Wyndmyre Knighthood of Excellence Award"

Behold! Wyndmyres 'Knighthood of Excellence Award' This award was accepted by the baron on....5-18-99. This is the second award bestowed upon this kastlestein. The name 'Wyndmyre' also rings throughout the hall's of Ulrickastle!

Ulrickastle's Second Award Achievement!

"The Road to Faerie 'Beautifull Site Award' from 'Elf Girl!"

Behold! 'The first Road to Faerie's Award from 'Elf Girl!' This beautifull site award was accepted by the baron on....8-15-99. This is the third award bestowed upon this kastlestein. The name 'Elf Girl' also rings throughout the hall's of Ulrickastle! 'ULRICKASTLE' receives these awards with many thanks and much gratitude! Grammarcy! Please visit 'Elf Girls' wonderfull site!

Ulrickastle's Third Award Achievement!

"The second Road to Faerie's 'Faerie Magick Site Award' from 'Elf Girl!"

Behold! 'Another Road to Faerie's Award from 'Elf Girl!' This magickal site award, the second from 'Elf Girl' was accepted by the baron on....8-15-99. Thanks again! The name 'Elf Girl' also rings throughout the hall's of Ulrickastle! 'ULRICKASTLE' receives these awards with many thanks and much gratitude! Grammarcy! Please visit 'Elf Girls' wonderfull site! One more award on the way!

Ulrickastle's Third Award Achievement!

"MeanNess's Mystical Site Award' from 'LanHam's Realm.' The fourth award bestowed upon Ulrickastle!"

Behold! This 'Mystical Site Award,' the fourth award bestowed upon Ulrickastle was received and accepted by the baron on 8-20-99 from 'LanHam's Realm.' The name 'LanHam' also rings throughout the hall's of Ulrickastle! 'ULRICKASTLE' receives this award with many thanks and much gratitude! Grammarcy! Please visit 'LanHam's Realm' a wonderfull site!

Ulrickastle's Fourth Award Achievement!

"Phantasia's....'Noble Site Award"

Behold! 'Phantasia's....Noble Site Award' This award was bestowed upon Ulrickastle and accepted by the baron on....8-22-99. This is the fifth award bestowed upon this kastlestein! A very colourful award indeed! The name of 'Phantasia' also rings throughout the hall's of Ulrickastle! Please Be sure to visit that most excellent site! Thank you.

Ulrickastle's Fifth Award Achievement!

"A Gift from Lady Jessica!"

Behold! 'Lady Jessica's gift from her kastle to mine!'This gift was accepted by the baron on....9-1-99. The name of 'Lady Jessica' also rings throughout the hall's of Ulrickastle! Please visit her site.

A Gift From Lady Jessica!

"A Gift from 'Lady Linda' from 'Linda's Lair!'"

Behold! Lady Linda's gift from her real'm at 'Linda's Lair,' to mine for signing her guestbook of scrolls. This gift was accepted by the baron on....9-3-99. The name of 'Lady Linda' also rings throughout the hall's of Ulrickastle! Please visit her wonderful fantasy site from Sweden....Grammarcy!

A Gift From Lady Linda!

"'The Page's' 'Award of Excellence' hath been bestowed upon Ulrickastle!'"

Behold! 'The Page, Award of Excellence!' This award was gratefully accepted by the baron on....9-5-99. 'The Page,' of ALL things medieval, renaissance and fantasy, also rings throughout the hall's of Ulrickastle! Please visit this most wonderful site! Grammarcy!

Award of Excellence' Gift From 'The Page!'  All things medieval, renaissance and fantasy!
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