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Ulrickastle's Gallery of Art and Awards page-2....

"Gold Site Award from 'Lady Laura!'"

Behold! The 'Gold Site Award.' This award was accepted by the baron on....9-10-99. The name of 'Lady Laura' also rings throughout the hall's of Ulrickastle! Sorry, Her Ladyship did not leave a link to her site. The link posted may be the one though.. The gift was enough....Grammarcy!

Gold Site Award!

"'Lord Kaiser's Award of Excellence!'"

Here Ye! 'Lord Kaiser's Award of Excellence!' This award was accepted by the baron on....9-16-99. The name 'Lord Kaiser' also rings throughout the hall's of Ulrickastle! Please visit that most noble site....Grammarcy!

Gold Site Award!

"'Noble Father Chalice Gift'"

Here Ye! Hear Ye! A thank-you gift from 'Lady Kayndra,' the 'Good Witch,' 'Noble Steel' and 'Lady Daera,' Behold....The scroll of friendship....Bestowed upon Ulrickastle, from Excalibur! Grammarcy! The Baron doth to accept this gift with honour and gratitude! Accepted by the Baron on 10-4-99. Sworn by Excalibur to keep the real'm rated 'child-safe.' Hazzah!

Noble Father Chalice Gift!

"Lancelot's Award of..!"

Here Ye! Hear Ye! A thank-you gift from Lancelot's Castle! This art.....not yet finished, link, etc....please check back again soon.. Hazzah!

Lancelots Award of Excellence!

"I found Dragon Isle on 2-4-00"

Hail to Lady Kassandra for this fine site and award! Pry'thee, the Baron doth to recommend this site to all! Carefull ye not to get lost in the dragons breath.. Hazzah!

Kassandras Award from Dragon Isle!

"Behold..The Dyzan King Award!"

Here be an award bestowed upon Ulrickastle by Lady Dyzan from the 'Dyzan Domain' on 2-12-2000. The Baron accepts this award with great gratitude and thanks! The name of 'Lady Dyzan' shall also ring throughout the halls of Ulrickastle....Hazzah!

Dyzan Domain's King Award!

"Behold..The Dyzan Domains Second Award!"

Here be a second award bestowed upon Ulrickastle by Lady Dyzan from the 'Dyzan Domain' on 3-10-2000. The Baron also accepts this award with great gratitude and thanks!

Dyzan Domain's Second Award!

"Behold..The Dyzan Domains Third Award!"

Here be yet a third award of excellence, bestowed upon UlricKastle by Lady Dyzan from the 'Dyzan Domain' on 6/2000. The Baron also accepts this award with great gratitude and thanks!

Dyzan Domain's Third Award!

This Mystikal's Cogitation, Real'm of Excellence Award, was just presented to...ULRICKASTLE! The Baron accepts this newest award with great gratitude, thanks and honour! This award is truely a worthy work of art and shall ring with greatness throughout the hall's of BURG~ULRICHSTEIN! Bestowed on: 8-22-2000 (Not sure about this link, but if it is wrong, be ye patient, for it shall be corrected soon-Thanks!)

Behold..Mystikal's Cogitation, Real'm of Excellence Award!

Here Ye! 'The Philisophic Warrior's Award!' This award was accepted by the baron on....9-16-99. The Philisophic 'Warrior' also rings throughout the hall's of Ulrickastle! Please visit that most noble site....Grammarcy! (AWARD-COMING SOON!)


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