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All Updates on the Victims Hospitalized and/or released

"Update on the Columbine victims who were hopitalized"

These are all of the updates since the tragedy began. This used to be on the main page and is now here. I will continue this page as long as there are updates, thank-you.....

Of the 23 Colorado school shooting victims who were hospitalized then released: (Note: I have left up this update for people to look back on.)

(This is from the update on 4-22-99/afternoon):

Lutheran Medical Center (2) 1. Brian Anderson, 17, treated and released. 2. Nicole Nowlen, 16, treated and released, .

Littleton Adventist Hospital (8) 1. Stephanie Munson, 17, treated and released. 2. Adam Kyler, 16, treated and released. 3. Jennifer Doyle, 17, good condition. 4. Stephen Austin Eubanks, treated and released 5. Nick Foss, 18, treated and released. 6. Dan Steepleton, 17, treated and released. 7. Joyce Jankowski, 45, treated and released. 8. Pat Nielson, 35, treated and released.

"Latest Update on the Columbine victims who were hopitalized. Updated on 4-29-99, afternoon:"

Columbine High School shooting victims Mike Johnson, 15, and Lisa Kreutz, 18, were released Wednesday from local hospitals.

Johnson had been at St. Anthony Hospital Central, where he was treated for gunshot wounds in the face, arm and leg.

Kreutz was at Denver Health Medical Center for multiple gunshot wounds.

Six other students remain in area hospitals:


Kacey Ruegsegger, 17, remained in fair condition with gunshot wounds in her shoulder and hand.


Richard Castaldo, 17, remained in fair condition with five gunshot wounds in the chest, back and arm.

Anne Marie Hochhalter, 17, remained in serious condition with a gunshot wound in the chest.

Sean Graves, 15, remained in fair condition with multiple gunshot wounds in the back and chest. Lance Kirklin, 16, remained in critical but stable condition with gunshot wounds in the face, chest and legs.

UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Mark Taylor, 16, remained in good condition with gunshot wounds in the chest, arm and leg.

Thursday April 29, 1999

"Update list of the Columbine High School shooting victims who were hospitalized (updated May 14, afternoon):

Swedish Medical Center

Anne Marie Hochhalter, 17, upgraded to fair condition from serious. Has been moved to the multi-trauma unit for more intensive therapy. She has injuries to the chest, liver and spinal cord.

Richard Castaldo, 17, fair condition in the multi-trauma with multiple gunshot wounds to chest, back and arm area. He is undergoing rehabilitation

Denver Health Medical Center

Lance Kirklin, 16, upgraded to fair condition in the intensive care unit with multiple gunshot wounds to his chest, legs, and face.

Craig Hospital

Patrick Ireland, 17, fair condition. Started rehab at Craig for brain injury. He gave a news conference for the first time since the shooting on Friday.

Sean Graves, 15, fair condition in the multi-trauma unit. He suffered gunshot wounds to the back and abdomen. Rehabilitating a spinal cord injury. Sean complained of pain in his foot Monday, a sign that his spinal damage may have been temporary.

"List of the Columbine High School shooting victims who were hospitalized (updated May 28, afternoon:)"

Actor Christopher Reeve sent a videotaped message of encouragement to several of the students who are still hospitalized. Reeve was paralyzed in a horseback riding accident in 1995. His message was for the students recovering from spinal cord injuries. Anne Marie Hochhalter, 17, upgraded to fair condition from serious. Has been moved to the multi-trauma unit for more intensive therapy. She has injuries to the chest, liver and spinal cord.

Littleton Adventist Hospital Denver Health Medical Center

Lance Kirklin, 16, went home Saturday. His condition improved enough for him to be released, but doctors say he has to go through at least six more reconstructive surgeries on his face.

Craig Hospital

Patrick Ireland, 17, fair condition. Started rehab at Craig for brain injury.

Sean Graves, 15, fair condition in the multi-trauma unit. He suffered gunshot wounds to the back and abdomen. Rehabilitating a spinal cord injury. Sean complained of pain in his foot Monday, a sign that his spinal damage may have been temporary.

Richard Castaldo, 17, fair condition in the multi-trauma with multiple gunshot wounds to chest, back and arm area. He moved from Swedish Medical Center to Craig Rehabilitation Hospital today. Doctos say he must re-learn basic skills.

"List of the Columbine High School shooting victims who were hospitalized (updated June 16, afternoon:)"

Craig Hospital

Anne Marie Hochhalter, 17, upgraded to fair condition from serious. Moved Wednesday to Craig for rehabilitation. She has injuries to the chest, liver and spinal cord. Doctors say her spinal cord was damaged but it is too early to tell what long term effects will be.

Patrick Ireland, 17, fair condition. Started rehab at Craig for brain injury.

Sean Graves, 15, fair condition in the multi-trauma unit. He suffered gunshot wounds to the back and abdomen. Rehabilitating a spinal cord injury. Sean complained of pain in his foot Monday, a sign that his spinal damage may have been temporary.

Richard Castaldo, 17, fair condition in the multi-trauma with multiple gunshot wounds to chest, back and arm area. He moved from Swedish Medical Center to Craig Rehabilitation Hospital today. Doctos say he must re-learn basic skills.

A response from the Class of 1984:

This was a response that i received when i was looking for information about my favorite high school teacher, 'Leland Andres,' who teaches Choir classes at Columbine High School. I was concerned that something had happened to him and heard that he was shot. I finally had contact with Mr. Andres and learned that it was false. I was very relieved, but still very saddened by what had happened to others not so fortunate. This is about his son "Lee Andres" who presently teaches choir there as well.

RE: The class of 1984:


Mr Andres was not shot thankfully, unfortunately mr sanders was fatally shot. From what i hear Mr. Andres was not in the school when this happened but his son lee was ( lee is now a teacher there too ) lee was a hero in all of this he had hidden 60 students in the choir room office ( which is now right next door to the library where all this was happening ) then after a while led the students through the auditorium then outside to safety


The original message was posted on the message board for the Columbine alumni at '' site. Thank you for your response! R.Ulrick

"This was the response that I received from my past choir teacher, Leland Andres."

Subj: Phone Call Response/addresses were changed to names.

Date: 4/22/99 2:30:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time

From: Leland Andres

To: Richard

Richard: Got your phone message. Both I and my son, who now teaches choirs with me, are fine. All faculty survived except for Coach Dave Sanders. I was glad to hear from you. Hope this message eases your fears for us. I appreciate your concern, and I do remember you.

Leland Andres

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