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Ulrickastle's Guestbook Of Scrolls!

Pry'Thee, scribe thy name into the 'guestbook of scrolls' and leave thy mark. The kastle doth to request that thee shall leave thy tribute as well. Hazzah! The Baron!

08/01/01 01:22:08 PM  
Mark Thy Name! Liquet
Thy Comments? Hello, You have a wonderful homepage. I had a lovely time visiting your site. Keep up the gorgeous work. Bye Liquet
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07/20/01 03:30:21 AM  
Mark Thy Name! Mystic Warrior M'Lady Gale
Thy Kastle or Real'm? Camelot Dreams
How did thou'st Cometh? From a faraway land........
Dost thou believe in Camelot? Most assuredly kind sir
Thy favourite movie: Rob Roy
Thy favourite book: The Shinara Series
Dost thou like ren~faire's? Thee dost love them!
Thy Comments? Noble Sir, I have traveled from afar to invite ye to come and join us in Camelot! Friendly competition, new kin to meet......please journey to Camelot Dreams to visit our wonderful kingdom there!
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07/02/01 06:18:46 PM  
Mark Thy Name! Guardian Pipa
How did thou'st Cometh? A nobel warrior Led ME here
Where art thy lands? ar Away
Dost thou believe in Camelot? yes
Thy Favourite food? Biscuits & Mead
Thy favourite movie: Far&Away
Thy favourite book: hmm...
Thy Comments?

I have just been looking at your site, and I think you have done a wonderful job on it! I would like to invite you to show off your site in a new website competition called

Battle of the Ancients!

It is a website competition where you can put your site up against other websites to see if your site can move to the top and RULE THE WORLD!

There are ten teams in the competition (two of them new!),
The House of the Aztec (NEW!)
The House of Australis (NEW!)
The House of the Greek
The House of the Romans
The House of the Great Spirit
The House of the Vikings
The House of the Orient
The House of the Pharaohs
The House of Africa
and The House of the Celts

I hope you will come and visit us and consider joining our competition. It is a great way to gain more exposure to your site, while having a little fun as well. I know that your site would make a wonderful addition!

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06/22/01 04:45:00 AM  
Mark Thy Name! Lady of Shalott
Thy Kastle or Real'm? My lands are in Astolat, but since wedding the Dragon Shadoworm, I fly through all realms on his winged back, carried by the Love that supports Us
Favourite part of kastle: Men lobbing musket balls at castle animated gif
How did thou'st Cometh? On gold-tipped Faerie wings as if by magic
Where art thy lands? The Island of Shalott on the River Wynd toward Camelot
Dost thou believe in Camelot? Yea, for I have floated down the river and song my songs beside its shore
Thy favourite book: The Fionavar Tapestry
Dost thou like ren~faire's? Mi Lord and this Lady shall attend Renaissance Faire 2002 in Mission, British Columbia, on the banks of the Fraser River
Thy Comments? Thank you, kind Sir, thou hast done a great service to this weary traveller. May your Kastle be an inspiration to WebWizards everywhere, in this Realm and Beyond.
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05/31/01 10:08:07 PM  
Mark Thy Name! Star Seeker Moongoddess
How did thou'st Cometh? traveled through a ring
Where art thy lands? Avalon
Dost thou believe in Camelot? But of course sir!
Dost thou like ren~faire's? But of course sir!
Thy Comments? Hi There..I'm Star Seeker Moongoddess, from Avalon Mists at the Site Wars. I was just looking over your site and I think that you might really do well over at our web competition called The Site Wars. There are so many wonderful things you can do, like adopt Dragons, Faeries, Cartoon Dolls, and so much more! The best part is you get to meet a lot of really great people from all over the world! If you're interested, you can find the Site Wars by going to the following url: My particular team is called Avalon Mists. You can take a look at my team at the following url: Come on out and take a look around... We can't wait to meet ya!

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05/24/01 10:36:00 PM  
Mark Thy Name! CelticMoon
Thy Kastle or Real'm?
Where art thy lands? US
Thy Comments? Cool site! I enjoyed browsing through the different areas!

05/10/01 11:21:46 AM  
Mark Thy Name! Catherine
Thy Kastle or Real'm? Catherine's Corner of England
How did thou'st Cometh? panzer
Where art thy lands? England
Dost thou believe in Camelot? Yes - it existed long ago
Thy Comments? This is a great site you have here, Sir! Was very glad I stumbled upon it, and enjoyed my visit!
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02/26/01 04:43:15 PM  
Mark Thy Name! Phil
Thy Kastle or Real'm? Phils Place
Favourite part of kastle: Dungeaon
How did thou'st Cometh? surfing
Where art thy lands? Toronto Canada
Thy Favourite food? caviar
Thy favourite movie: Titanic
Thy favourite book: The Poisonwood Bible
Thy Comments? Hello Ulrickastle is just FANTASTIC, I can`t come up with any other words. GREAT Have a good day, your majesty, Phil
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02/02/01 11:35:57 PM  
Mark Thy Name! Robert-Gilles Martineau
Thy Kastle or Real'm? My Realm, I sare suppose...
Favourite part of kastle: If thine, the graphics, if mine, the life of a Dragon
How did thou'st Cometh? Flew from Scroll to Scroll!
Where art thy lands? A City by an extinct volcano in a far estern island (Shizuoka/Japan)
Dost thou believe in Camelot? Yes...
Thy Favourite food? Sushi
Thy favourite movie: Dark Crystal
Thy favourite book: The Lord of the Rings
Dost thou like ren~faire's? Yup!
Thy Comments? M'Lord! Greetings from an old Dragon! I enjoyed your hospitality at your castle and would like to express my sincere thanks! If you bear with me, I shall be back soon! I shall be honoured if you deigned visit my Lair and put your seal on me Scroll! All the best to you! Sincere blessings! Robert-Gilles
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02/01/01 10:58:31 PM  
Mark Thy Name! Leetah
How did thou'st Cometh? On the wings of my dear friend Gorbash
Thy favourite movie: The Flight Of Dragons
Thy Comments? Greetings!
You are cordially invited to join The Leetah's Flight Of Dragons Webring!
We are a Webring was created for those who believe in dragons and all that they are and stand for. For those who believe in Magic. The balance between good and evil. I think you and your lovely site would be a wonderful addition! We'd love for you to join us!
If you're not interested in our membership, be sure to check out our Awards Program!
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01/12/01 07:17:00 PM  
Mark Thy Name! Fuschia
Thy Kastle or Real'm? Wander Inn
How did thou'st Cometh? Excalibur Webring
Where art thy lands? Wisconsin
Thy favourite book: Gormenghast ~ Mervyn Peake
Thy Comments? Nice Site!
01/09/01 04:31:29 PM  
Mark Thy Name! Venus
Thy Kastle or Real'm? My Realms of Fantasy
Thy Comments? Very well done. I enjoyed my stay. Please come by and visit me sometimes.
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01/09/01 04:29:12 PM  
Mark Thy Name! Cameo
Thy Kastle or Real'm? Cameo's Castle of Fantasy
How did thou'st Cometh? yahoo webring
Thy Comments? I enjoyed your site. I would like to invite you to visit my realm as well. I'm glad to meet someone who likes to live in fantasy as much as myself! Keep up the good work! ~~Cameo~~
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01/07/01 01:07:08 PM  
Mark Thy Name! Knights of Dawn : Les Chevaliers de l'Aube
Thy Kastle or Real'm? Knights of Dawn
How did thou'st Cometh? yahoo
Thy Comments? We promote the spirit and the moral values of medieval Knighthood in a modernized way, in order to face efficiently all the challenges of our civilization.
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12/10/00 10:25:57 PM  
Mark Thy Name! Lady Dyzan
Thy Comments? Just dropping by to wish you a happy holiday. :)
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10/29/00 07:46:37 PM  
Mark Thy Name! Hans and Thomas
Thy Kastle or Real'm? IAS and Manjushri Mandala (a monastery)
Favourite part of kastle: you!
How did thou'st Cometh? pilgramming through this spooky net
Where art thy lands? Ireland
Dost thou believe in Camelot? wow, yes
Thy Favourite food? what falls off your table
Thy favourite book: Endless Story?
Dost thou like ren~faire's? of course
Thy Comments? Honorable Baron, we enjoyed your hospitality and the beauty of your castle. All we can leave is a bunch of magical Halloween cyber-rainbows from Ireland, Hans & Thomas (2 Buddhist cyber-monks on their pilgramage)
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10/28/00 10:00:40 AM  
Mark Thy Name! R.K.ROBINSON JR.
Thy Kastle or Real'm? PEN-DRAGON'S LAIR of POETRY and DRAGONS
Favourite part of kastle: graphics
How did thou'st Cometh? by way of Lynxlot the Blue
Where art thy lands? Augusta, Ga. USA
Dost thou believe in Camelot? I am PEN-DRAGON, what do you think
Thy Favourite food? meat
Thy favourite movie: Excalibur
Thy favourite book: Catcher in the rye
Dost thou like ren~faire's? very tasty
Thy Comments? Hello, My name is Rick Robinson and I have a website dedicated to poetry and fantasy. I've recently established a web ring for the purpose of linking together web sites that fall into the literarature, fantasy, and graphics categories. I spend a lot of time surfing the web looking for sites that qualify for admission to the web ring and I would like to invite you to submit your site for admission. I would be honored to have your site as a member of the ring. If you would be interested in doing so, please click the join button on the PEN-DRAGON Poetry and Fantasy Sites ring graphic which can be found on my home page. After you receive the generic ring code in the email, please visit my site again and click on the link that will help you edit the html properly. I hope you will consider joining and thanks. ~~~PEN-DRAGON~~~
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10/26/00 09:51:13 AM  
Mark Thy Name! MoonFlower
Thy Kastle or Real'm? Moonflowers Fantasy Realm
Favourite part of kastle: All of it
How did thou'st Cometh? On the wind
Where art thy lands? U.K
Dost thou believe in Camelot? most definatly
Thy favourite book: Anything Fantasy
Thy Comments? A most excellent site you have here!!lots of hard work gone in to it! well done and thanks for sharing it with the world!!
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10/24/00 08:42:26 AM  
Mark Thy Name! John
Thy Kastle or Real'm? Dragons and Such
Favourite part of kastle: The Arthur Legends
How did thou'st Cometh? Through another guestbook
Where art thy lands? On the east coast
Dost thou believe in Camelot? Yes
Thy Favourite food? Tacos
Thy favourite movie: Star Wars: A New Hope (original)
Thy favourite book: Watchers
Dost thou like ren~faire's? I love them!
Thy Comments? A most compelling and fascinating site, good sir. I did so enjoy my journey through your realm. You are a most wonderful host.
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10/24/00 01:32:06 AM  
Mark Thy Name! Lady Dyzan
Thy Kastle or Real'm? Dyzan Domain
Thy Comments?

Greetings, Good Sir!
It is me again, dropping by to say hello, now that I have somewhat recover from the big crash. (PC crash, that is.) ;( I almost went mad from withdraw and sometimes when I'm sitting still, my hand would move on it's own will as if I was using a
Anyway.. Just wanted to say hi, and see what you have been up to. :)
Until next we meet.. Your friend, Lady Dyzan.
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10/20/00 12:47:19 AM  
Mark Thy Name! Trinity Longhorn
Thy Kastle or Real'm? Empire of the Horn
How did thou'st Cometh? The court wizard, Merriman has teleported me here
Thy Comments? I come to thy barony in response to your expeditionary force of troops that has entered into the Empire. I have had them "escorted" to the capital city of New Avalon and have seen to their needs. Now on the matter of tribute you say, I think you might have that backwards Baron, as I was wondering where thy tribute to the Empire was. Ha Ha Ha. But let that be no matter between new friends. I have come to wish the safe passage through my lands and have stilled the blades of the Knights of Shadow and the Knights of the Light have promised to show your emissaries every courtesy. But alas I cannot guarantee those conniving Knights of the Dark might not plot to severe our new friendship. But worry not of them, Merriman has enough influence with those of the Shadow to keep the darklings at bay. Please feel free to come visit again, and perhaps we could seal our new alliance through the Allies of the Empire webring.

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10/05/00 09:00:36 PM  
Mark Thy Name! Knightess Dreamer
Thy Kastle or Real'm? Fantasy Fights
Thy Comments? Hi there, I must say that you have done a wonderful job on your site and I thoroughly enjoyed my stay here, I thank you for sharing it with me... Have you ever thought about placing your site into a Fun & Friendly Website Competition? Well, my name is Knightess Dreamer and I would like to invite you to come over and visit us here at the Fantasy Fights, we have a team here called "Journey Through Camelot" and we are currently in need of new fighters and I feel that your site would fit in perfectly with our team, but you can always choose from one of our many other teams.. You truly deserve recognition for all you have done here and here at the Fantasy Fights you have the wonderful opportunity of making many new friends and also increasing your site traffic at the same time... So please spare a moment of your time, come on over and visit us, I'm sure you won't be disappointed..
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09/26/00 04:34:28 PM  
Mark Thy Name! Lady Mstikal
Thy Kastle or Real'm? Mstikal's Realm
Dost thou believe in Camelot? of course!
Thy Favourite food? Flan
Thy favourite book: The Stand by Stephen King
Dost thou like ren~faire's? oh yes!
Thy Comments? Your site transports me to the time of days long past. What a wonderful job you have done with your site! Thank you so much for presenting me with your prestigious "Baron's Nobel Site Award"!!
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09/19/00 09:09:47 PM  
Mark Thy Name! Blue Green Gem
Thy Kastle or Real'm? Maaginen's Keep in the Sythian Forrest
Thy Comments? I really enjoyed this place, It brought me memories of the middle ages. Ahh.. You just can't roast humans in armors anymore, It's like potatoes wrapped in aluminum foil... Yum.
09/07/00 03:14:17 AM  
Mark Thy Name! Cathy A.
Thy Kastle or Real'm? Cathy's Realm Of Dream Poetry
Where art thy lands? England
Thy Comments? Greetings! You are a very talented individual... Your Realm is really beautiful and enchanting, I did so enjoy my visit. Your design, layout and graphics are outstanding. It has a lot of beauty and depth showing the inner beauty of you*S*..Thank you so much for caring and sharing.The best to you always my friend.~Cathy

I enjoyed my visit!

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08/24/00 12:27:02 AM  
Mark Thy Name! Lady Dyzan
Thy Comments?

Greetings and Hazzah!
I Must Appologise!!
Recently, Bravenet, my guestbook server, had experience a problem in their hard drive. Some members have lost about a week's worth of entries. Unfortunately, I was one of the members who have lost 8 entries from 7/20/00-7/23/00 in my guestbook. I'm sorry your entry was deleted from my book. ;(
Just wanted to you know, I had nothing to do with
Until Next We meet... 

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05/30/00 04:16:15 AM  
Mark Thy Name!
Thy Favourite food? pizza
Thy Comments? (no comment)
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05/14/00 07:33:54 AM  
Mark Thy Name! Arianrhod
Thy Kastle or Real'm? Celtic wisdom
How did thou'st Cometh? Mystical Places Webring
Where art thy lands? Italy
Dost thou believe in Camelot? yeah
Thy Favourite food? rice (in any way)
Thy favourite movie: Merlin
Thy favourite book: The Mists of avalon
Thy Comments? wonderful site! I'll have to come back again, because I could not visit it all. But I liked what I saw. Good job.
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05/10/00 07:50:53 PM  
Mark Thy Name! Lady Dyzan of Dyzan Domain
Thy Kastle or Real'm? Dyzan Domain
Thy Comments? Greetings, Good sir! I traveled here to inform thee of my much improved Castles of Scotland page.(Just to let thee know) I know how much thee enjoy the castles. :) Until next we meet. Anon...Lady Dyzan of Dyzan Domain..
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04/17/00 04:05:40 PM  
Mark Thy Name! Kinseeker D'Janeth
Thy Kastle or Real'm? Darksbane Dragons
How did thou'st Cometh? Flew
Where art thy lands? Dragon Country
Dost thou believe in Camelot? YES
Thy Favourite food? Roast Beast
Thy favourite movie: Legend
Thy favourite book: any Anne McCaffrey
Dost thou like ren~faire's? yes
Thy Comments? Hi There..I'm Kinseeker D'Janeth, from the Darksbane Dragons at the Site Fights. I was just looking over your site and I think that you might really do well over at our web competition called The Site Fights. There are so many wonderful things you can do over at the Fights, like Adopt Dragons and other little cute creatures for your pages, get in on scavenger hunts, and most of all, meet a lot of really great people from all over the world! If you're interested, you can find the Site Fights by going to the following url:

My particular team is called the Darksbane Dragons. You can take a look at my team at the following url:

Come on out and take a look around... We can't wait to meet ya! Kinseeker D'Janeth Sarina Blackmoon, Manager,
Darksbane Dragons

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03/20/00 05:09:01 AM  
Mark Thy Name! Dayle D'Ann
Thy Kastle or Real'm? Chi
Favourite part of kastle: Rockin' Rick
How did thou'st Cometh? A wave
Where art thy lands? In the Side-Slipped world
Dost thou believe in Camelot? Yes
Thy Favourite food? All
Thy favourite book: "The Ship Who Sang" by McAffrey
Thy Comments? Beautiful site!!
Would love to VE with you??
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02/27/00 07:14:37 PM  
Mark Thy Name! TechWolf
Where art thy lands? I hail from the midnight realm
Thy favourite book: Villians by Necessity
Thy Comments? just making a courtisy stop
surveying the surveyor
02/25/00 08:39:57 PM  
Mark Thy Name! BardWolf
Favourite part of kastle: All of thy kastle is quite admirable.
How did thou'st Cometh? I did surf onto thy door.
Dost thou believe in Camelot? Of course.
Thy Comments? (no comment)
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02/20/00 04:55:24 AM  
Mark Thy Name! Lady Dyzan of Dyzan Domain
Thy Kastle or Real'm? Dyzan Domain
Favourite part of kastle: All of thy kastle is very nice.
Where art thy lands? Where Dragons roam free.
Dost thou believe in Camelot? I do.
Thy Favourite food? Vegie, and fruits.
Thy favourite movie: Ever After (at the moment)
Dost thou like ren~faire's? I only wish I could go to one.
Thy Comments? Greetings, Sir Baron. I have arrived on thy fine land, and partake in the hospitality of thy fine castle. Thou doth have a wonderful castle indeed. What a great place it is to get lost in. The Lady Dyzan have, and shall always visit thy land often. Fair thee well, and.. anon...
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02/20/00 02:28:34 AM  
Mark Thy Name! The Green Knight!
Thy Kastle or Real'm? Deep within the forest mi'lord..
Favourite part of kastle: All is grand!
How did thou'st Cometh? Through the myst..
Where art thy lands? A magical place..
Dost thou believe in Camelot? I was there..
Thy Favourite food? Turkey leg!
Thy favourite movie: Sword of the Valiant!
Thy favourite book: Many..
Dost thou like ren~faire's? Hazzah!
Thy Comments? Greetings Baron!
Thy kastle is grand and so is thy hospitality as well.. I shall return again soon mi'lord..
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