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The Knights of the Round Table!

Illustration of Camelot, right: The Knights of the Round Table: The fellowship of the knights of King Arthur who included Sir Bedivere, Sir Gawain, Sir Lancelot du Lac , Sir Bors de Ganis, Sir Gaheris, Sir Galahad, Sir Gareth, Sir Geraint, Sir Kay, Sir Lamorak de Galis, Sir Percivale, and Sir Tristran. Their most famous adventure was the quest for the "Holy Grail" which was eventually found by Sir Galahad...

" "The Round Table" was first described in 1155 by the poet Robert Wace who held that Arthur devised the table to promote equality among the knights. A table said to the Round Table hangs in the Castle Hall in Winchester but this dates only from the 13th century...

13th Century Round Table!

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Here be "The Round Table" of Camelot! Hazzah!!!

Legend of the Holy Grail!

The Holy Grail: The sacred cup said to have been used by Jesus at the Last Supper. It became an object of quest for the knights of the Round Table who included Sir Galahad and Bedivere. In one story, it was kept in the Grail castle of the crippled Fisher King. According to legend, the Grail is said to rest beneath the spring on Glastonbury Tor.

The Holy Grail is generally considered to be the cup from which Christ drank at the Last Supper and the one used by Joseph of Arimathea to catch his blood as he hung on the cross. This significance, however, was introduced into the Arthurian legends by Robert de Boron in his verse romance Joseph d'Arimathie (sometimes also called Le Roman de l'Estoire dou Graal), which was probably written in the last decade of the twelfth century or the first couple of years of the thirteenth.

In earlier sources and in some later ones, the grail is something very different. The term "grail" comes from the Latin gradale, which meant a dish brought to the table during various stages (Latin "gradus") or courses of a meal. In Chretien and other early writers, such a plate is intended by the term "grail." Chretien, for example, speaks of "un graal," a grail or platter and thus not a unique item.

Yet, an earlier German version of the legend is Wolfram von Eschenbach's, "The Parzival." It presents the grail as a stone which provides sustenance and prevents anyone who beholds it from dying within the week. In medieval romance, the grail was said to have been brought to Glastonbury in Britain by Joseph of Arimathea and his followers. In the time of Arthur, the quest for the Grail was the highest spiritual pursuit. For Chretien and his continuators, Perceval is the knight who must achieve the quest for the Grail. For other French authors, as for Malory, Galahad is the chief Grail knight, though others (Perceval and Bors in the Morte d'Arthur) do achieve the quest. Tennyson is perhaps the author who has the greatest influence on the conception of the Grail quest for the modern English-speaking world through his Idylls and his short poem "Sir Galahad". However, James Russell Lowell's "The Vision of Sir Launfal", one of the most popular of nineteenth-century American poems gave to generations a democratized notion of the Grail quest as something achievable by anyone who is truly charitable. The notion that the Grail story originated in fertility myths was popularized by Jessie Weston in her book From Ritual to Romance, which was used by T. S. Eliot in the writing of The Waste Land. Eliot's poem, in turn, influenced many of the important novelists of his and succeeding generations, including Hemingway and Fitzgerald....

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