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View-Dreambook! "Old" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ulrickastle! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Dreambook, a nifty new free service from: New Dream Network, Dreamhost, and Webring! If you have a minute, please sign my Dreambook too! Grammarcy! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Scribe Thy Name: MorganLaFey Thy E-mail address: Mark Thy Homepage URL: Scribe Thy Comments!: Merry Meet Baron: I have truly enjoyed myself at your castle! I am happy to bestow up you two of my awards. You will be receiving them by personal messenger forthwith. Many Blessings to you and your family - Morganlafey Friday April 9th 1999 09:31:20 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Scribe Thy Name: carol Thy E-mail address: Scribe Thy Comments!: Rick, This is very cool! You can tell you put a lot of work into it. I havent looked at it all yet, but I will! thanks for sharing it with me! Drumwidow Saturday April 3rd 1999 01:28:13 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Scribe Thy Name: Barbra Luster Thy E-mail address: Scribe Thy Comments!: Looks good! Saturday April 3rd 1999 10:29:00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Scribe Thy Name: Barbra Saturday April 3rd 1999 10:28:33 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Scribe Thy Name: Sir Knight Scribe Thy Comments!: Me thinks well of your very kind hospitality kind sir and i shall be sure to return soonto your kastle on thy next journey.... Grammarcy! Sir Knight! Friday April 2nd 1999 11:36:40 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ Sign my Dreambook | Back to Ulrickastle! ] This Dreambook brought to you by New Dream Network, Dreamhost, and Webring.
