One of the easiest and most powerful magickal techniques utilized by both witches and folk magicians is the utilization of candles in performing a spell. Candles are readily available items, can be found most anywhere and are convenient for use. They come in all shapes and sizes, scented or unscented, and which shape you use is totally up to you and the purpose of the spell.
You can purchase candles sculpted in the
shape of the Goddess or
God for mystical symbolism, but ordinary taper candles are
just as effective.
In the world of magick, color is
quite important as it creates a
certain state of mind in the user and conveys various
messages to the subconscious, which can make a spell all
the more effective.
Here is how
candle magick is ordinarily done.
Acquire a candle of the appropriate
color (see table below for this). Then, hold the candle
in your power hand (if
you are right-handed, than that is your power hand).
Take several deep breaths and concentrate on your goal
intensely. If you wish to cast a spell
for money or employment, for example, think of a job
you'd love to
think of all your bills being paid and of a hefty bank account.
announce to an appropriate deity (this is variable, and
depends on your specific tradition), or the Mother
Goddess (for those of us who are
eclectic) that you are soliciting their aid in acquiring
a better job
more money.
Be sure to ask only for realistic goals,
and be sure that
are not requesting assistance at someone else's expense.
Make it a point to
this in your intention. Think of this goal and mentally build up huge
amounts of energy until you are literally shaking with this built up
Then, when you feel it has reached its peak, project all of this
through your power hand and into the candle.
Light the candle
and put
it someplace where it will burn safely (never leave a burning candle
Sit in front of the candle, meditate for a few moments
know that as the flame burns and the candle melts, your intention is
sent into the astral realms, where it will take form and eventually
itself in the physical. This can take anywhere from a week to a few
depending upon the complexity of your request.
Remember this, as well:
spellwork to gain something (such as money or a love interest) is best
during the waxing moon, and are most effective just before or on the
Moon; spellwork to get rid of something, or to banish negativity from
life, should be done during the waning moon or just before or on the
They will be more effective this way, though in an emergency,
you can
still do any spell at anytime.
Remember to let the candle burn out all
way; if you don't have the time, then let the candle burn on successive
nights until it is completely burnt out.
Remember, DO NOT use the same
candle for different purposes. Once it is "programmed" with a specific
of energy, do not use it for another purpose, or "program" it with a
different intent. This will only muddle up the energy and confuse the
As you meditate upon the candle, gently move your hand above
flame and concentrate on your goal. You may want to light some incense
along with the candle, and I will include a separate list on the proper
incense to use in another section.
If you can't find a certain color
(for example, black candles can be hard to find), then use a white
They can be substituted for any color below, since the color white is
actually a reflection of all colors. Here is the appropriate table of
correspondence below:
WHITE: Spirituality, purification, protection; all-purpose.
RED: Energy, protection, sex, defense, aggressive actions.
BLUE: Love, healing, flexibility, friendship, peace.
PINK: Love, romance, companionship.
GREEN: Money, employment, commerce, stability.
YELLOW: Intellect, education, benevolence, writing, the arts.
ORANGE: Luck, changing of personal fortune, attraction of influences.
BROWN: Animal magick, healing of animals, stability.
PURPLE: Luck, protection from negativity.
BLACK: Banishment, binding, reversal, removal of negative influences.
Remember the Wiccan Rede when performing this or any other type of
magick...keep your spellwork on positive goals, don't utilize bindings
except in self-defense and even then keep your spellwork defensive, not
offensive and remember to harm none! Doing so will only build up bad
and you will eventually have to pay for hurting or manipulating others.
Specifically, remember this when performing love magick: do not cast a
to win the love of a specific person; when doing job magick, do not
spell to
take the job from somebody else. Nasty and manipulative magick like
will only leave you subject to the Law of Threefold Return.