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Wiccan Ritual

Even though it's purely will power and sheer emotional intent that the witch uses in casting spells, certain equipment are traditionally utilized by the practitioner in the performance of spellwork, the purpose of these items being to subconsciously "program" the mind with symbolism, making the spell that much more effective. Just remember that it is the practitioner that empowers the object, not the other way around. These are the basic items you will need to practice Witchcraft:

Other items are also employed by the modern witch for spellwork. Examples include a cloak worn strictly for ritual purposes (these can be purchased, but are usually quite expensive; it would be much cheaper if you can make your own, though not everyone has this talent) and an additional dagger called a boline used for utility purposes, such as carving symbols on the candles or cutting herbs.
It is also good to purchase a candle snuffer, as this is preferable and more respectful to the elements than blowing a candle out.

Wiccans also traditionally compose what they refer to as their Book of Shadows, which is a tome including original spells that they have written, but often includes other things such as personal observations about all aspects of magick and Witchcraft, as well as all personal discoveries and insights obtained while walking the path of the Craft. The Book of Shadows is intended to be used as a personal reference source for spellwork, a journal of one's magickal experience and the accumulated sum total of all of the Wiccan's insights to be left to those who may read it in the future. The Book of Shadows was obviously handwritten in the past and left in notebook form, though today it can be typed on a computer and printed out and stored in binder form, or even completely stored on a computer floppy disk. The Book of Shadows may be kept personal while you are alive, or freely shared with others; a few Wiccans have even published their Book of Shadows.

Each of the previous items are completely up to the individual practitioner.
Here is a sample ritual of spellwork utilizing your equipment. I wish to thank Pagan author D.J. Conway for this part of the section, as this is a slightly modified version of the ritual she wrote in her books Celtic Magic and Norse Magic. I'm simply switching a few sentences around to make it non-tradition specific.

Sit in front of your altar and take a few deep breaths. Have soft music playing in the background. Try to pick instrumental music only, as vocals tend to be too distracting. Concentrate on your spellwork at hand, and get yourself in a relaxed state. Face the north. Take your athame in your power hand, and beginning in the east, project a line of silver-blue personal energy from the tip of the athame. Only gifted psychics or longtime practitioners can actually see this energy, and they describe it as silvery-blue in color.
Walk in a circular clockwise motion (called deosil) until the circle overlaps the point in which it began. The circle will automatically form itself into a protective sphere around your ritual area.
Everything you use will be inside the circle...this magick circle will both contain your built up energy until the moment you release it, as well as keeping negativity and astral entities out. Remember, your spellwork will attract such entities to your ritual area, so the casting of the circle is important. Try not to break the circle until the end of the ritual (see below).

As you cast the circle, say:
"I consecrate this circle of power to the Goddess and God; here may they manifest and bless their child."
Stand in front of the altar, hold up your arms in greeting to the Goddess and God, and say:
"This is a time that is not a time, in a place that is not a place, on a day that is not a day. I stand at the threshold between the worlds before the gates of Infinity [or Avalon, Asgard, Heliopolis, Olympus, or any other realm of the gods your tradition may worship]. May the Ancient Ones guide and protect me on my magickal journey."
This helps shift your consciousness into a state conducive for ritual and magick.
Take the chalice, filled with spring water, and place it upon the pentacle. Hold your athame over it and say:
"Great Goddess [insert your goddess name], I bless this creature of water to your service. May we always remember the cauldron waters of rebirth."

Place your athame over the bowl of salt, saying:
"Great Goddess, I bless this creature of earth to your service. May we always honor the blessed earth, its many forms and beings."
Take a pinch of salt in your fingers and drop it in the chalice.
Lift the chalice in the air and say:
"Great Goddess, be you adored!"
Walk the chalice around the circle counterclockwise (called widdershins, a direction used for banishing), sprinkling droplets of salt-laden water around the perimeter of the circle to banish negativity. Place the chalice back on the altar and place your athame over the flames of the lit candle. Say:
"Great God [insert your God name here], bless this creature of fire to your service. May we always remember the sacred flames which dance within the form of every creation."
Take the censer with the lit incense and place it on the pentacle. Place your athame over it and say:
"Great God, I bless this creature of air to your service. May we always listen to the spirit winds which bring us the voices of the Ancient Ones."
Take the censer and walk the incense around the circle counterclockwise, banishing more negativity. Next, it's time to summon the elementals to witness the rite and to guard the corners of the circle from unwelcome astral influences.
Your four element candles should be in the appropriate directions, and just inside the magick circle.
Walk over to the yellow candle in the east and light it, saying:
"I call upon you, powers of Air, to witness this rite and to guard this circle."
Imagine a spinning vortex of air suddenly whirling outside your circle. Little diaphanous faerie-like elementals called Sylphs (and zephyrs) can be seen dancing in the vortex.
Walk over to the red candle in the south and light it, saying:
"I call upon you, powers of Fire, to witness this rite and to guard this circle."
Imagine a large plume of flame blazing just outside your circle. Long, snake-like and glowing elementals called salamanders can be seen writhing about in the flames.
Walk over to the blue candle in the west and light it, saying:
"I call upon you, powers of Water, to witness this rite and to guard this circle."
Imagine a large fountain of water erupting just outside the circle. Small mermaid-like elementals called undines can be seen swimming and playing in the fountain.
Walk over to the green candle in the north and light it, saying:
"I call upon you, powers of Earth, to witness this rite and to guard this circle."
Imagine a large tree suddenly materializing outside your circle. Tiny elf-like elementals called gnomes can be seen walking in and out of the roots of the tree. Know that these four types of beings are here to protect your circle.
Walk to the center of the altar and say:
"This circle is bound with power all around; within it I stand with protection at hand."

Return to the center of the circle and begin your spellwork. You can use spells already written, and found in the numerous books on Witchcraft available, or you can write your own. Walk around the circle clockwise for positive spellwork, and counterclockwise for negative. Use your wand to direct the energy that you summon. When the energy is built up to its maximum point, say:
"By the power of the God and Goddess, I bind all power within this circle into this spell. So mote it be!"
Upon saying this, release the energy. The circle will automatically open and release it into the biosphere and astral realms, where it will eventually manifest on the physical plane. You may also want to ground the extraneous mystical energy left over, so it does not remain in your temple area. Use your wand to direct it into the bowels of the Earth, where it can then be utilized by Mother Earth for her own purposes, such as the healing of the planet.

When you are done, you will then dismiss the elementals you have summoned. Do not forget this part! And do it before breaking the circle. [Try never to break the circle during spellwork except in an emergency. Remember to keep all pets except for cats out of the room during spellwork. For some reason, cats can walk through the circle without breaking it.]
Walk to the yellow candle in the east and snuff it, saying:
"Depart in peace, O powers of Air. My thanks and blessings."
Imagine the vortex of air collapsing in upon itself and vanishing.
Walk to the red candle in the south and snuff it, saying:
"Depart in peace, O powers of Fire. My thanks and blessings."
Imagine the plume of flame extinguishing itself.
Walk to the blue candle in the west and snuff it, saying:
"Depart in peace, O powers of Water. My thanks and blessings."
Imagine the fountain trickling out and disappearing into the ground.
Walk to the green candle in the north and snuff it, saying:
"Depart in peace, O powers of Earth. My thanks and blessings."
Imagine the tree outside the circle dematerializing.
Walk to the candle(s) on your altar in the center of the circle to dismiss the element of Spirit. Snuff the candle(s) and then raise your arms above your head, saying:
"To all powers and beings of the visible and the invisible, depart in peace. May there always be harmony between us. My thanks and blessings."
Imagine the God and Goddess, or any deity and beings you invited into your circle to conduct the spellwork with, vanishing from this plane of reality.
Now, take your athame and walk to the edge of the circle. With a quick swipe of your hand, break the circle. Say:
"Though the circle is broken, ever it remains a circle. Around and through me always flows its magickal power."
This will finalize the ritual in your subconscious. Be sure to place any offerings, such as cookies and milk, outside to the little ones if you called upon the faerie folk for assistance. Your ritual is done.
