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~midi~Amost A Whisper

Welcome webring traveler! My dog, Bud, is here to welcome you and to prevent the portal (by which you arrived here) from disappearing; thus leaving you forever in my world. 'S' Navigation here is very simple. ALL back buttons will take you to the site index. ALL home buttons will take you to the entry page. If you are in a subindex, use your BROWSERS back till you are ready to exit that index. You may re-enter this page by clicking on Animal Webrings in the site index. (P.S. Doggie treats are by the portal door. Please give him one as you leave to show appreciation for his "guard dog" status. It makes him feel important.'S') Bud and I hope you enjoy the wonder of Witchway.

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This Love Them, Don't Wear Them Ring
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