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~Grandma's Attic~

Midi~Baby Shower

Up in Grandma's attic;
A childhood delight.
Of steamer trunks and boxes,
And imagination; just right.

Railroad tracks around a box.
A toy train, all in a row.
Tiny buildings; wee trees.
Thoughts boarded and ready to go.

A window full of sunlight;
And I so high; it seems.
Looking out on squirrels and birds,
Leaves colorful with Autumn dreams.

A box of Christmas ornaments.
A past I could not know.
Fragile glass of memories.
Delighted my senses so.

Till, finding a patch upon the rug,
Of sun warmed light; I did yawn.
And laid myself down to rest.
A blanket of cobwebs, dust and dawn.

While in the house below me.
A frantic search was going on.
No one could find me!
Not Grandma. nor Bill, nor Don.

The attic door, left slightly ajar.
A clue where I might be.
Grandma crept up the stairs,
To find a sleeping me.

She picked me up so lovingly,
Her daring sleepy head.
And, walking carefully down the stairs,
She tucked me in Don's bed.

When I awoke and looked around,
The first thing I did see.
Was a shiny new lock upon the door;
No more attic time for me.

Yet, I remember those wonderful days,
Of make believe and magical things.
Of furry squirrels and talking trees.
And dreams carried on fairy wings.

İRUA 12/01/01

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