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This is a prayer for little paws
All up and down the land,
Driven away, no friendly voice
Never an outstretched hand.
For weary paws of little beasts
Torn and stained with red,
And never a home and never a rest,
Till little beasts are dead.
Oh God of homeless things look down
And try to ease the way
Of all the little weary paws
That walk the world today.

~midi~Talk to the Animals

*NOTE: This poem is here with permission and is the ONLY poem on this site, not written by me. When I first read it, I knew I had to have it for this page. Please visit the site where this poem originally appeared by clicking HERE

The site below is a GREAT cat site. Please click on the banner below.

The siamese cat will transport you to the ASPCA. Please take the time to visit them, and lend your support.

This organization is helping ALL animals. Please click the button to learn more.

I have a particular fondness for all wildlife; but am concerned with the natural balance of this Earth we live on. Every plant, every tree, every insect, every animal is here for a purpose. Yet, we are losing all these things at an incredible rate. How sad it will be when the only animals left are behind caged walls. When trees and plants are only in domed environments. Can't happen? Think about it. Click the buttons below and learn about the wolves, the buffalo, and the race to save the big cats; and think again!

Race for the Big Cats

UPDATE 11/20/00: The funding for a controlled experiment is to begin on 150 cats and kittens. These healthy animals will be injected with FIV and fed doses of methamphetamines. The purpose of this is to see if this will help humans with HIV. The two diseases are NOT related and the cats will forfiet their lives for this. If you want to enter a protest against this horrific experiment, click on the graphic below. Say no to animal experimentation!

Please feel free to check back often. I will be keeping my eyes open for other animal related issues and will update this page with anything I find worthy of this sites support.

Thanks for the globe Ellie! 'S'

The wonderful midi playing was from a site that has now closed its doors. To learn why this is happening more and more on the internet these days click on the button below.