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It has been a long time since a traveler walked the path to the secret garden. Not many have the stamina to keep looking. It's a pity really; for the reward is breath taking. 'Sigh'. But, I do not want to discourage you. 'Smile' Indeed, I have made it as easy as I possibly can for your journey. 'Grin' Everything you will need is just inside this little cave. You have nothing to fear. The cave no longer harbors any beasties. They moved out eons ago. Why, I will even give you a clue or two. 'Smile" The biggest clue I can give you, is you must think like a child! Feel with your heart, not with your mind. You will be searching for these tiny golden mushrooms. I have one below to help you in your quest. Each one you find will advance you towards the secret garden. Now, if you are all set to go, just click on the mushroom!

Huh? Oh, of course, you want the clues. Hee hee hee. I am so forgetful at times. All mushrooms will be found in the poem section. How's that for a clue? Okay. okay. A little more info then. All back buttons will return you to the main site index. All home buttons will return you to the main page. Use your browsers back button to stay in the poem index. I think that's it. Hmmmm! Oh yes, the clues. 'Grin' Get your paper and pencil ready!

1)A tale of "Love" is what you seek.
2)If you ask a child they'll say,"That's Life".
3)A garden is "Nature's"greatest gift.
4)Memories of attic days.
5)A snowy holiday. Isn't "Nature"grand?

Now, you have your clues. Are you all ready? Time is wasting. Hurry, hurry! Click on the mushroom. And, good luck!


Mushroom gif can be found here:

The little cave can be found here: