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Loss of a Lady

(For SMP~In Memory)

midi~Say Goodbye

The beautiful crystal lady
lays shattered at my feet.

A moment of carelessness
and now, she is gone.

I worry little about
getting cut as I
pick up the pieces.

I know only loss.
For, she is GONE!

© RUA 11/13/00

When I first met the lady that would becme my mother-in-law, she and her husband were planning a move to another state.Although we would see each other (over the years) the bond between her and I wasn't as close as I wanted it to be. Years have a way of flying by, and in time she would move much closer to where I live. It would be the best blessing I could wish for. Through the magic of one Christmas, I found the heart connection I had so wished we shared. I could not know then, it would be our last Christmas together. Perhaps that is why I miss her so much today. For all the years that we were visitors and just never connected were swept away in one magic Christmas. I miss you Mom!

The manatee snowglobe was made by my friend SMOOCHIE and a proper link to her site will be provided as soon as she is finished re-doing her site. The manatee was a favorite of my mother-in-law and I am grateful that Smoochie allowed me to have the globe for this page. (((BIG HUGS))) for you, Smoochie!