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Fenwick was 2 yrs. old when he and PoGee had their second litter of kittens. Because the kittens were less than a week old and we were going to be gone till after dark, it was decided to put Fenwick away from PoGee. He would spend his time in the cellar till we returned home. When we got home, I noticed that Fenwick had vomitted a few times. He seemed fine, but I was concerned. Figuring he was upset to be away from his mate, we quickly reunited the pair. PoGee chirpping and giving him kisses; and he rubbing her face with his. In the morning, Fenwick (I was told) was already up and outside by the time I got up. I kept asking if he seemed okay. I got affirmative replies. At dinner time, Fenwick failed to appear. He had always come home at night. The night passed by with me pacing the floors, and in the morning there was still no Fenwick. I was off to comb the neighborhood. No one had seen my cat. Two things happened now. The first was a large puddle of urine on my bedroom floor. The color was very dark. I thought my stepsons dog was getting an infection, and mentioned it to him. The second thing was finally noticing that PoGee was NOT upset that her mate was missing. It was then that I realized PoGee knew where he was. She led me right to him. There, in my bedroom closet was Fenwick.

Fenwick was a young healthy cat in the prime of his life. He was also my second male cat to die of FUS (Feline Urinary Syndrome). It is my hope that Fenwick and PoGee found each other on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge.

midi~Beauty and the Beast
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