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Several things happened to Sprite as she aged. She lost her hearing, and became a nuisance because of it. She could not hear traffic behind her. No matter how much the car beeped she didn't move! It was decided that the safest place for her was in the country with my ex in-laws. Her own body slowing down, she loved the slower pace. Sleeping late was her favorite pastime. She put on a few pounds and looked very good to me. She could still do her famous jumps into the air on my visits, and her happy yips made you forget how old she was getting. It was a morning much like any other, when Sprite woke up early and asked to be let outside. She would not return. She would walk more than a mile away from home. Footsore and tired she would lay down for a little rest. It was here that angels would find her, and take her home. The man who found her body, graciously buried her at the edge of his garden and returned her collar and tags to the family. The spritely little pup who had shared so many years with us, had chose her own path home. I am still lookng for that sweet face on another dog. Perhaps; someday!

midi~Beauty and the Beast
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