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Sneakers at the age of 6yrs. moved to a family friends farm. He loved roaming free and got along with the animals there. Indeed, he seemed to thrive at the farm. It was like returning home to him, and in a matter of days the great grey ghost cat was totally adjusted to the farming life. Now, the farmer had a little daughter who took a liking to the big grey cat. His very nature was gentle and calming. This trait made it easy for the family to invite Sneakers into the house on those cold winter nights. He spent the winter with the warmth of a family at night; and his days, watching over the barns and the animals. His whole world was bright! It was therefore strange that he chose a very cold frosty night to insist on going outside. No amount of reasoning would deter the great cat. The family could not know that Sneakers had a date with the Lady Luna and was excited to be on his way. When he was finally outside, he ran to the open field and once there, gazed upon the face of the moon. All night long the great cat danced while the Lady smiled on. In the morning, the farmer would find him in the field. He had danced till exhaustion overcame him; and then he had laid down to rest. And, while he slept; the Lady Luna stole his heart away. The whole family would tell me later how very strange the whole event was. The strangest thing of all, was the smile on the ghost cats face!

midi~Beauty and the Beast
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