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Heiny, my sweet baby girl would live for 10 years. Towards the end of her life she began to lose control of her bladder. I simply moved the litter box closer to where she spent most of her time (my bedroom). It would not be long before her bowels would go too. I simply washed bedding everyday, because I really didn't want to let her go. But, there was no mistaking her discomfort at a body that was failing her. Her plaintive apologies for her mistakes that she could not control. And, no matter how much I reassured her that it was okay, her discomfort was apparent. The day I finally let her go, I held her in my lap a long time. I explained what was going to happen. I cried; and she purred. She never purred louder or more happily. I think it is us (humans) who cannot let go. She was happy to move on. She purred till her heart beat no more. She rests now where my garden used to be. Always close to me. My sweet baby girl.

midi~Beauty and the Beast
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