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~Fairy Things~

This is a page for my Site Fights fairy things. I used to be able to leave some of these things in guestbooks, but this is no longer possible. Still, they are to pretty to just throw away, so I decided to make a page and put them up here for all to enjoy. 'S'

Visit Fairy RuaDawn!

Sparkles and sprinkles and swirls of dust!
Tons of spirit is surely a must!
Visit DRealm of DFairies!

Fairy RuaDawn brings cheer to your sites!
And wishes you Fairy luck in the Fights!

E-mail Fairy RuaDawn

Here's a Spirit Stick from me to you!
Pass It On

Here are a few more guestbook entries. The table above was used for a very short time. The Site Fights made new rules on the size of allowable images, and in accordance with those rules, the dustings below were used.

I am a Spirit Fairy
Yes, it's true!
Come to sprinkle *magic*
Just for YOU!

The magic I give
Is to help your site,
Show is Spirit
In the Site Fights!
Now don't forget to SHOUT IT OUT!

~St. Patrick's Dusting~

May Irish eyes smile upon you~
May you find *gold* in the morning dew.
With "fairy magic" I dust your site~
So your spirit comes shining through!

~Birthday Dusting~

I wish you a Merry Christmas
And a Happy New Year!
(What do you mean?
It's the wrong song?
Oh bother!)

(Singing. Again!)
It's my party and
I'll cry if I want toooo.
(Now what?
Wrong again!


Happy birthday, happy birthday.
Happy birthday, to-OO-oo-OO you!

~More Fairy Things~

The fairy at the top of this page, and the little dusting button below were made for me by my friend Fairy Dew Kiss, and appear here with much love and gratitude.

The images below are some favorites of mine. I hope you will like them too! The little fae will be moving to my adoption page as soon as I can transload her certificate, and all images in the table above as well as the little witch doll were made for me by Fairy Jaeda. Big (hugs) of thanks!

That's about all for this page for now. Hope you enjoyed seeing my fairy things. Perhaps, someday, you may find one in your guestbook.

Graphics by Jaeda