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Friendship Betrayed

(For KD)

I had seen them both,several times before.
But,on this day I watched for a long time.
They were such opposites!
One older and fair and small.
One young with reddish brown hair and kinda tall.

They arrived in the lagoon
in eyelet white sundresses,
showing off their tans and
carrying sandals in their hands.
One carried a blanket
the other, a picnic basket.
Their laughter at a private
joke, a tinkling sound.

I knew I should go.
They didn't know I was there!
Yet, I stayed to watch them
explore the sandy beach.
They found seashells and
wrapped them in their skirts.
And I saw rainbow colors
against white eyelet.

They giggled and laughed!
They seemed so fond of
each other. I thought
they were mother and daughter.

I must have stood behind
my tree for hours.
But, they were such a pair!
You just FELT the love they shared.

Soon a water fight started.
And, they chased each other around.
Till the younger one tripped and fell.
And, I thought she would drown!

But, short and fair was right there.
Reaching out and grabbing hold
she pulled her up by her
wet streaming hair.

A few coughs and pats,
followed by tears then giggles;
let me know, before I saw,
that all was right.

They must have decided on
no more water sports because
they were wading out of the sea.
And walking straight towards me!

The picnic blanket had
been spread, but they
were soaked and so
undressed, to lie in the sun and dry.

Their clothes they laid
across the brush, that
screened their blanket
from prying eyes.

Yet, I could still see.
And what happened next,
well, no one believes me.
But, I saw what I saw!

The fair one was dozing.
Her back towards the warming sun.
Naked and vunerable; not
watching the younger one.

The lush green brush
moved ever so gentle.
Almost as if a breeze
had tickled it lightly.

I stared till my eyes stung.
But, I saw nothing and
was turning away when;
I glimpsed the snake.

It was huge, but beautiful,
as it glided across the earth.
Soundlessly! Moving like a
belly dancers undulating hips.

By the time I realized
the snake was meant to kill;
I tried to run and scream.
But, my limbs had lost their will.

She never heard a thing!
It struck her hard between
the shoulder blades and shook
her once like a rag doll;
before it stood on two tan
feet and laughing snatched it's clothes
and ran away.

I somehow made it to her side.
And she said, to me, before she died,
"I thought she was my friend!"

