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~Back at the Gate~

Okay, now if you came here from the right, the path must be to the left. Oh my! It's all overgrown with bramble roses and prickly bushes. Well, this MUST be the way! Oh my goodness! Did you hear that? Hee hee hee. It was just a deer running through. It startled me too! Hey. What's that (pointing at the ground)? It's a piece of white marble under all the decaying foliage. Do you see it? Brush the leaves away. Ahhhh. It's a steppingstone with a fairy carved into it. Beautiful, isn't she? See if there are any more. There are! Then you have found the right path. But, if you choose not to go on, just click the home button below. I know the path will be difficult. You'll get scratched and will be crawling part of the way; but, you've come so far! Still, the choice is yours. If you leave, please take the little gift below to remind you of your discovery. Please be sure to use the link provided.


Fairy image provided by:
Fairy Wonderland