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midi~Ja nuns hons pris


YOU are December's child.
Born into the time
of Earth's deep slumber.
You were endowed with fire.
In the maddening crowds;
your fire shines above ALL.
Like a beacon on a rocky shore
Many will seek your light.

A golden treasure is your love
Yet, few will hold the key.
Many will try, and walk away;
Regrets will last their lifetime.

Unto your fire, I will be born.
A wealth in jewels; my destiny.
Your touch, your voice, your inner fire;
Emeralds cast in a blue green sea.
You ARE my light
And my LOVE.

© RUA 12/1/99

(For my Earth Angel, Mom)

Midi sequenced © Curtis Clark and used with permission. You may hear more of his music by clicking the button below.