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~Grandma 2~


I have brushed aside
the dry brown leaves
of the past fall.
And, even now the damp earth
shows pale green life
hidden beneath the
dead leaves.

Acorn shells abound~
some eaten by the winter habitants
of the old oak.
Some lie half buried
in the damp earth;
even now, putting new life forth
as the circle continues.

The old pond seems clear.
I can see the other trees
reflected in its surface.
A small breeze makes
tiny ripples across the mirror;
as if a small boy
has tossed a pebble there.

Winter still clings
onto the far side.
Not yet wanting
to say good-bye~
but, its hold is thin
and, soon, it will be gone.

The afternoon sun is
a bright white light.
And its warmth is felt
on my bare hands
as I sit here.

I lean back against you
and can feel the cold
through sweater and coat both,
yet, I'm glad I came.

I miss you!

It cannot be that
I've lived long years
without you.
It seems like only yesterday.
I will try to get here
more often;
yet, I do not promise it.

I know that you are not here.
But, you are with me
everyday; in my heart.
There is so much I would
like to say to you.
Yet, I believe you can
hear me wherever I am.

I love you!

What I wouldn't give to see
your smile once again.
Or smell that special scent that
told me; even in the dark,
that YOU were there.

How nice it is to say,
I only have good memories of you.
Perhaps thats why I
miss you so much.

You were ever my adviser,
my problem solver.
From childhood through
my own motherhood.
I miss you, dear one.

I will come again!


The Beauty of Yanni