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# 11 Memorial Award (Adult)

Memorial pages are perhaps some of the hardest to write. Has your site a special page for the loss of a loved one? Then please apply for this award.

#12 Memorial Award (Child)

Is your page devoted to the memory of a child? Then, please apply for this award.

#13 Memorial Award (Pet)

Was your loss a beloved pet? Have a page devoted to this special life? Then please apply for this award.

#14 Poetic Award (Silver)

#15 Poetic Award (Gold)

Sites may apply for this award if the following criteria are met. To be considered all poems must be written by YOU! No matter how beautifully a poem is showcased, if you didn't write it you will NOT qualify for this award. Excellance means the very best. If you think your poetry meets this criteria, then apply for this award. NOTE: There is no difference in the awards. My designer made me two color choices and I liked them both, so am offering you the same choice.

Special Award

This award may NOT be applied for. It is extra special and will be given to sites that move me. I may find the graphics outstanding! The content deserving special consideration. It may just move me to tears or send my spirit soaring. You may have applied for one of my other awards and find this in your email instead. 'S' Now, if you've chosen the award you wish to apply for; just click on RETURN and email me your request. Please use the word AWARD in the subject line so your email is not accidently discarded.


Graphics for awards 11-13 were found at Cyberkitten's Gifs

Graphic for awards 14 & 15 were found at Emerald Fairy

Graphic for Magical Award found at Lady Archer

All awards designed by NEOSTELLA

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