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midi~Lulay Lulay

The Gift

Yesterday you handed me a gift.
A small box, wrapped in gold and silver
and a piece of antique lace.
You laid it, with a great deal of
uncertainty, in the palm of my hand.

And I looked at you.

I watched your face register
both joy and despair.
Were you so afraid
I wouldn't accept your gift?

I had to smile at the clumsy way
a too small box was wrapped
by two large hands.
And I had to marvel at the old lace.
Faded and worn; it's beauty
still shone through.

I remember the look in your eyes
as I lifted off the lid.
It was as if you were telling me
that I held in my hands
everything there was of YOU!
I glanced down, on the delicate
pink tissue and found the most
wonderous gift I'd ever recieved.

Your gift to me was

© RUA '99

Midi sequenced by Martha Decker