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The Sun Gold Knight
The Silver Ice Lady
"A Tale"


I travel the lands
and sing my songs.
I'm welcome everywhere.
I bring the stories
from castles and towns.
I'm a strolling newspaper.

But, some of the things
I've seen; defy imagination.
You tell yourself this
cannot be, yet, all
of this I've seen!

One day, on the edge
of a darkened wood;
I met a Lady fair.
Her beauty outshone
the blushing rose, but,
her eyes held such saddness there.

I sat with her and
we talked all day.
Her story is sad, but true.
For the love she bore her
sun gold Knight was almost
to much to bear.

She could not wed the
one who wanted her.
Her heart he never held.
So, in anger, he called
upon Life's Dark Side to
keep her from her love.

The sun, by now, had
begun to set and
her eyes had begun to smile.
She left me there and
began to run; straight
into the setting sun.

And for one brief moment,
I saw in the dark;
a sun gold Knight holding her.
And, then she was gone.
She just floated away,
to her place among the stars.

All the night long,
I watched her glow.
As she shone on
her lover's face.
And as daybreak began,
I saw once more;
the lovers quick embrace.

The spurned lover had cursed
them, this was true!
They had only brief
moments to touch.
Yet; their love survived.
I had witnessed it here;
and told their tale to you!

© RUA 2/17/00

Music by: bTd Midi Archive