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midi~Color My World


Each of the websites below
belong to an internet friend.
Friendships may have started over an award,
in a chat room, or a welcome to a membership group.
How they started is unimportant!
Each of these friends
have stood the test of time.
We have laughed, cried, complained,
and suffered together.

Each of them is a friend worth knowing!
I would have been lost without each of you.
You, each, exemplify the TRUE meaning of a friend,
and my heartfelt thanks goes out EVERYDAY
for the blessings you have added to my life.
Each of you are my angels.

Sparkling Seas

The Rest Stop

Red's Round Robin

Pathways< /font>

Joyce's Place

Moon and Back~Send A Greeting

Selkywolf's Den

Trisha's Thoughts

Keepsake Photography by Dorita

Amy's Hideaway

Tomeegirl's Heavens

Mitres's Place

Troyer Concepts

East Beach's Page

And now, some places of fantasy.

Lady Archer's Fantasy Gallery

Rose's Journeys

And the GENTS! You guys are the best.


The World of Pops

Rick's Place

I just want to acknowledge those friends without webpages
who fill my email with hugs and laughs.
I love you guys! Kittybee, Misty, TUNA, HipBea,
Smoochie (she's working on her site), and LAURA
(also working on her site).

There seems to be a guestbook goblin
that visits from time to time,
making it impossible to leave me a message of your visit.
If one book doesn't work, please try the other.
If all else fails, send me an e-mail
by clicking on the button below.