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midi~Amazing Grace

Births are awaited with great joy.
Baby showers,cravings,picking out names.
A new life growing.
Nine months of anticipation.

Death creeps in on skeletal frames.
Creaky joints, forgetfulness,
all manner of aches and pain.
An old life ended.
ALWAYS to soon!

© RUA 1990,2001

*Note: You can divorce a mate, but how do you forget in-laws? A family, traditions, growing children. Children now grown with babes of their own. I couldn't do it! And so, today, the earth reclaimed one of her own; and in my heart, one of mine. Good-bye Dad. My life has been so much richer knowing you. For me you were much more than an ex father-in-law. You were Dad, and I love you. And, it's good to know that you knew no divorce decree ever changed that love. I'll miss you!