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~Mother's Lament~

midi~Empty Days
©1995 Edwin R.vanVeldhoven

One thirty in the morning,
and here I am again.
A head full of wandering thoughts,
and a heart full of pain.

I miss you more
than mere words can express.
I know that it should not
bother me so; yet it does.

I feel weighed down by
all the guilt loving you so much
heaps upon my head, but,
I cannot change.

You are the child of my soul.
My mirror, my left hand.
A part of me that I pray,
I'll never be without.

You are the sunshine of my existance.
And, while I know,
I should let you go;
who lives without sunshine?

Somedays are harder than others.
Today is one!
I'd give anything to hear again,
the laughter in your voice.

See again, the devilment
twinkling in your eyes.
Hold you once more
in the circle of my arms.

No one on this earth could
tell me how painful this
process of letting go can
get at 1:30 in the morning!

I'd even welcome
those stinky feet.
A bedroom in utter disarry,
and you sleeping till noon.

All these things lie between us.
As I struggle to let you go.
The bittersweet pain of age,
time, and growth.

A conspiracy of life;
all destined for this moment.
Of missing you, loving you,
and letting go!

I am caught between the boy
you were, and the man
you are becoming;
not wanting childhood gone.

But, Time is a grave taskmaster.
And, life moves ever forward
even if I wish it
would slow down some.

The days of your youth
fill my memory.
And, at 1:30 in the morning;
I remember.

© RUA 1990,2001

*NOTE: My son has been at sea since Aug.5th. The news of a war in the Middle East looks likely to happen at this time. I worry over his safety as well as miss him. I am both proud and scared. For me the weeks of tension and sleeplessness, are beginning to take a physcial toll. My mind wanders all over the place. This is the frame of mind I am in today 11/28/90.

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