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Pipers Due

midi~My Destiny

In a yellowed cardboard box;
(stored away for many years).
I came again, face to face
with you.

Diaries, photographs, and scrapbooks.
All contained the years of a past
now faded; and a love that failed.
I'd never really forgotten them.

Only to vividly, did I recall the love;
as if it were yesterday.
Diaries and letters bearing witness,
that you loved me; ONCE.

I haven't thought much about you,
in these past years.
Yet; I knew there would be a day
when I'd have to remember!

Today is that day.
I have avoided it
far too long, and yet;
I still wish for more time.

The piper stands impatiently,tapping his foot; demanding his due.
My limbs are too wobbly to walk,
and my fingers tremble as I pay him.

There are no more places to hide.
No more time to prepare.
The day of reckoning is here and,
I must face you; once again.

Our lives together lay scattered
all around this tiny room.
And, as I pick up the pieces,
one by one;
I remember!

© RUA 12/21/00