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You've found the Unicorn Pond. Oh, I'm sorry. You thought this was the secret garden? Hmmmm. You must have chosen the wrong path. Oh, now don't give up hope. You're just tired. Here, sit by the pond. I see there are some fairy cakes for you. Look at all the dragonflies. Have you ever seen so many different colored ones? In the mornings the unicorns come here and frolic in the water. Over there (pointing) are the ruins of temples and castles. Really worth exploring if the beasties are gone for the day. Oh dear! I didn't mean to startle you. I wasn't suggesting that YOU go to the ruins. Oh no! That would never do. Way to dangerous. No, no. You must rest a while and then retrace your path back to the gate. You see, you have somehow missed the right path. But, if you wish to leave now; you may click on the button for home. And, to help you remember this special place, I have placed a little gift below. Please be sure to use the link provided below it.

Please link the dragonfly to:


Dragonfly found at:
Anne's Place

The lovely pond was found at: