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~Puppy at the Window~

I have come again, to the Toy Shoppe.
But, today will be the last time!
The frayed collar on a puppy's neck;
now chokes the life from mine.

I cannot eat, or drink.
I can barely breathe.
The collar cuts into my flesh.
My breath is just a wheeze.

My fur is dirty and matted,
with sores from fights I've had.
My nails are frayed and ragged.
One paw bloody from a torn pad.

Yet; I stand on wobbly legs,
and look in the window with care.
I only need one boy or girl
to see the love, I have to share.

Inside; there is a mom.
And a little boy, so dear.
But, he holds a puppy stuffed;
while I, hold back a tear.

I press my nose against the glass.
"Please turn and hear my call."
And, just as the mom turns her head;
My legs give out: and I fall.

From somewhere, tender hands touch me.
The touch; a mom's caress.
My collar loosened; I can breathe!
Mom holds me against her breast.

Food and water, she gives to me.
Scissors clip away matted fur.
A washtub for a soapy bath.
I look less a homeless cur.

Soothing balm for battered feet.
Astringement for my sores.
Warm hugs from a little boy.
A bed to sleep indoors.

And, as I bow my head to pray;
My heart so full of love.
I know the blessing I have found.
Comes from you Lord, up above.

I promise to care for this family.
And to never cause them pain.
Till the time when you call me home.
To sleep at your feet again!

© RUA 10/26/01

Painting is © Tom Sierak and used
with his permission by
Moon and Back Graphics
to construct this set.
Midi is provided by Net4TV.