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~Velvet Paws~

One day I read in the newspaper that kittens needed a home. How lucky for me, I had just the home for one more. And, so it was that I picked out this little black kitten with the itsy-bitsy bikini of white on her belly. Climbing into my car with her, she crawled up on me till she rested her head under my chin. We drove home just that way, and I named her Cinder Ella; Cindy for short. Now, Cindy was quite the acrobat. She would do tremendous leaps in the air for a toy, snagging it out of your fingers with ease. She never really wanted the toy. Her joy was in the jumping! Raising Cindy with two (human) boys soon brought out her most endearing gift. She hated to hear me holler, or be upset. Whenever this happened, she would come running to me and climb up my body till she reached my neck. Knowing I would support her weight she would then put her paws over my mouth and purr loudly. This routine ALWAYS worked. It was impossble to holler with cat paws on your lips, and if I removed them, she would just put them back on. If I put her down, she would climb back up. She was quite a cat! Her space in my heart permanetly secure, she eagerly welcomed The Queen of the Nile into our home.

midi~Beauty and the Beast
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