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~Sweet Baby Girl~

Heiny was a Valentine gift. Knowing my boyfriend (hubby now) loved Siamese cats, I searched high and low to get him one. She was a tiny ball of white fur with dark seal points. She retained this white coat until she was spayed, and then her fur darkened. Her favorite sleeping spot was on hubbys shoulder. Tucking her little face in his hair with her little butt under his jaw. (This was how she earned her name.) She would outgrow this spot by the time she was 3 months old. She never forgave him for it. Heiny ended up being a petite cat. Her bone structure was small, but she was far from frail! She could do acrobatics like crazy. Her favorite activity used to be knockng the refrigerator magnets onto the floor. This was a nightly game. Her claim to fame was mice. She was an excellant mouser. This was something I was never sure of. I mean, ever try to put on a slipper with a dead mouse in it? I would cringe and she would wait for praise and treats. Gross! Nothing escaped her notice. If it entered HER house, it was fair game. Ever try to rescue a moth? She was like greased lightening. She was also very vocal. Siamese cats are quite talkative. This is not necessarily a good thing. Heiny was also a great cuddler. She was one sweet girl!

midi~Beauty and the Beast
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