~The Cat~
When I first met the cat, she was a tiny ball of fluff in the hands of my neighbor. I took one look at that face with its calico patches, and that raccoon striped tail and said, "You named her Nutsy Fagin, of course?". My neighbor informed me the kitten was a boy and named Herbie. It just didn't fit. At her 3 month check-up, my neighbor found out that Herbie was a female kitten. A big meeting was held to rename the kitten. I stuck with Nutsy, and they named her Snowball. Everytime I visited, I would ask where the nutsy kitty was, and she would come running. I moved out of that neighborhood, but made my neighbor promise that if she should have to get rid of the kitten, to call me first! Three months later she called, and Nutsy moved home with me. She settled in quickly; that is after she figured out that Colonel might smell like a dog, but she was taller than him, so he must be a cat. That decision made, they became best friends. Now, I don't know how many of you have ever been tag teamed by a dog and cat; but, practice made these two the best team in the world. Fried chicken on the counter? No problem! Nutsy fetched it and dropped it to the dog. Ever try to wrestle a chicken leg from a feeding dog and cat? I do NOT recommend it. Nothing could be left on a counter without a heavy lid on it. To distract this daring duo, it was decided to get another pet. While Colonel was agreeable, Nutsy started on a reign of terror on the new pet. The new pet was a puppy and Nutsy never liked this new dog. They shared the same house, but she never once missed an opportunity to show her displeasure at that dang dog.