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# 0

We loved each other so much;
We vowed we'd die; rather than be apart.
Then one day; you left.
And; I didn't die.

I wonder? Do you go to hell,
if you don't keep your promises?

# 1

Brick by brick.
You now help me build
A wall it took you years
To tear down.

A lot of wasted effort
In inconsistency!

# 2

Yesterday, we raged at each other
Like all wild beasts.
Today, you come bearing apple blossoms
In full bloom!

What a strange complex, you are!

# 3

Listening to the radio
at 4:30 in the morning;
you can hear
all the words
a lifetime can hold!

# 4

My life with you is like
an antique quilt.
Thin with years of use
but still warm.
Frayed in places,
faded in others.

Held together by delicate stitches.