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Ancient Revisited

Brushing the cobwebs of sleep from my eyes, I awaken; with a heartsickening dread.

Dressing, as I stumble along. I grab car keys and bolt for my car, just as Dawn lightens my way.

In my minds eye I see her; as I saw her then. Yet, the feeling of dread deepens!

Guided only by a whisper, I feel her light fading. I cannot race any faster, and almost miss my turn.

Seeing only her light, my mind racing faster than the car. I suddenly hear a shout of STOP, and jam on the brakes.

Before me are road blocks. And I begin to see through the swirling dust; the big yellow catapillers.

Now, I know the threat, and I start running on foot, deeper into the darkening forest.

Branches tear at my clothes. My flesh is pierced and scratched. But, her voice; so weak, keeps calling me on.

Finally, I am there, In this most sacred of places. Exhausted. Out of breath, I look----- But, she is gone!

I am to late---- My knees buckle, and I fall sobbing to the ground.

I don't know how long I lay there; among the vines and mossy grasses.

In my fingertips I began to feel a warmth, that quickly spreads into my whole being.

The vines and flowers withdrew for me, so that I might see the skeletal remains of her.

My fingers were inside her soul, and my mind saw her demise, without a spoken word.

I saw the bolt of lightening that split her open. And the fire that consumed her.

Saw her weakened and dying. Till she fell, soundlessly to the earth.

The insect kingdom fed off what was left of her. Yet; she had called me here.

Vines wrapped around my wrist. Insisting, turning, pulling me away from her.

And there; before my eyes I saw three spindly, undernourished offspring; of the Queen!

She, who had lived for centuries, had never raised one offspring to adulthood.

Way past the age of possibilities; The fire and lightening had taken, and given.

And, now I knew, why I was here. As the breeze quickened and the flowers sang. As this sacred place filled with mourners.

I heard her voice. Filled with joy and death, she told me clearly----- YOU are the keeper of the future!

©authored by RUA


This lovely page guardian is named Gossamer. You may get one of your own at Amanda's Castle She has many lovely guardians for adoption.

Thank you FullMoon Graphics for the use of these lovely graphics.