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Sleigh Ride

midi~Angelus ad Virgenem

I remember a night, oh, so long ago.
Of a sleigh ride over newly fallen snow.
I remember strong arms lifting me off my feet,
And tucking me warmly in the sleighs seat.

How important I felt as we glided around.
Waving and shouting to friends in our town.
The sound of the hoofbeats; the jingle of bells.
The carolers singing: the night heavy with smells.

The warmth of your hands as they held onto mine.
A night steeped in magic: mine for all time.
How I miss you now, as I remember that night.
When I was a princess, and you; my kind knight.

Perhaps, after all; it was only a dream.
Carried with love, by magic moonbeams.
A dream of rememberance; not really true.
A gift of love; with a chance to see you.
(I miss you, Grandpa!)
© RUA 12/9/00

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