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December Snowfall

Well, it finally arrived.
It was so long overdue
I had begun to despair
of it ever being here.

Others would think me daft
if they knew how much
my pschye depends on it.
Or how much I pray
that others have the same need
and do not just tolerate it.
Or worse, that they revel in it
and never hear it.

It is so soundless and pure of heart
that I fear its message will be lost.
We are such a cloddish mass of humanity
that the silent ones message
never reaches so many ears.

I have no doubt that the children hear it,
but they seem to forget it as they mature.
Adults seem terrified of its silence and
everyone knows you must be insane to hear it.

Yet, I am not insane;
nor am I a child.
But I hear its silent message
so loudly, it will surely deafen me.

Can you not hear it
in every crystallized raindrop?
And yes, its true,
no two are ever alike.

As the earth lies sleeping under its
downy blanket that seems cold as death,
yet protects with warmth
life's continuing cycle,
so it is with me.

I draw strength from its
crisp freshening air.
Comfort from its sameness
in a world of uncertainity.
It is a soothing balm
for my troubled soul.
A tranquillizer
for my tortured mind.

For all it does for me. I could not
fail to hear it when it speaks.
In a voice so small
you feel it rather than hear it.

Please! Let there be Peace!


midi~From Where I Am