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A Fairy
~To Be~

So many times
I had heard the song.
Always at rest;
under my favorite tree.

Like Alice and her rabbit,
I just have to know;
where the song comes from
and why; just for me?

So patiently, I wait,
under my leafy bower.
Till the song is repeated,
and, I can clearly see.

A tiny butterfly-like creature
with a voice so sweet.
That I wanted so much
to be the same as she!

With a tinkling laugh
and a flutter of wings.
She danced in my hand
saying,"So it shall be!"

Now, I am a fairy,
with wings and a song.
Living in DRealm,
for all to see.

This is my story.
It's true, I do swear.
Of a mortal turned fairy.
For a song; in a tree!

© RUA 7/24/99

midi~Gift of a Thistle
from the movie Braveheart