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~Fairy Cheers~

I was on my way to a fairy tea,
When a sad fighter; I happened to see.
He was looking; all over the ground.
Something he lost, just had to be found.
So, I stopped by to lend a hand,
And we both, scoured the land.
Suddenly, he began to shout and cheer.
And the sound was sweet, to my fairy ear.
For the thing he'd lost, was his spirit; you see.
And now, he had found it; and I was off for my tea.
by Fairy Rua Dawn
*Award winning shout*

Sitting here in the gazebo.
It's my favorite time of day.
Meeting with fairy friends.
Listening to Wee Ones at play.
A soft breeze blowing.
Perfumed flowers fill the air.
Tea time now in D'Realm.
Faires without a care.
by Fairy Rua Dawn

Deep within the forest.
Just beyond the dell.
Fairies start to gather.
All with tales to tell.
Tables are heavily laden,
With fairy food and drink.
Silver bowls and crystal.
China dishes colored pink.
There will be fun and friendship.
Dancing and singing too.
The party lasts all night long.
Till morning skies turn blue.
by Fairy Rua Dawn

midi~Gift of a Thistle
from the movie Braveheart