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~The Invitation~

Once upon a time
I received an e-mail.
It was from D'Fairy Star!
She invited me to become
a fairy for The Site Fights.
And, to my delight
it's been the best decision
I have ever made!
I found friendships and fun.
And, I like to think
that I have brought
my spirit; my joy
to others, as well.
Below you can see some
very special gifts I recieved
when I started
my spirit fairy life.

My Wings

My Fairy Personna

from D'Fairy Star

from D'Spirit

from D'Light

from D'Fantasy

My New Home

Please find a fairy like mine by clicking on the logo.
My fairy was designed just for me.
Please leave her here.

midi~Gift of a Thistle
from the movie Braveheart