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~What is Spirit?~

Throughout The Site Fights you will hear the word spirit. Some may wonder what this spirit stuff is all about. There are spirit pages, spirit awards, and spirit fairies. So, exactly what is spirit? If you go to the dictionary, you'll find more definitions than you'll ever need! But, it really doesn't explain what The Site Fights spirit is. I wish I could give you a perfect answer. But, I don't think there is one. For us here at The Site Fights, it's a feeling. You know when you have it; and you know when you don't! It's kinda like love. Maybe it's just that smile that crosses your face when you see a fighter really working hard to win his ring. Maybe it's that warm feeling you get when you know you've done the very best job you could do. Or perhaps it's the friend that consoles you when you've fallen flat on your face. Spirit is an elusive thing. Flittering here, then there. Yet, it is a powerful thing. Like hope, it keeps us going. It is what The Site Fights is all about, and I have never seen as much spirit, as I do here. If, for no other reason, I'm glad to be a part of this spirited caring group. We are called The Site Fights and I am

~The Doom Cloud~

One morning, bright and early.
As I stood upon a hill.
A cloud blocked out the sun
Giving me quite a chill.

It's color was black and ominous.
I felt both doom and dread.
It made me sad; zapped my spirit,
Then passed from over my head.

I still felt blue and shaken.
My eyes began to cry.
Just then, appeared a wizard.
His brow furrowed as he strode by.

"Kind sir?", I said and curtsied.
"Did you see that cloud on high?"
"Ah, yes", he said in answer;
"Twas the Doom Cloud passing by!"

"The Doom Cloud?" I did ask
Dreading the tale he'd tell.
"It comes to steal your spirit", said he;
"I know this cloud so well".

"What can I do?" I squeaked;
"You must tell me, if you can."
So we sat down and talked a bit.
And he helped me make a plan.

Quickly I flew to Site Fights land,
Where the cloud now hung so low.
And clanged the bell of emergency.
So one and all would know.

We needed ALL our spirit.
To keep that cloud at bay.
So we cheered; we shouted,
And; the cloud changed to grey.

Now, the fairies began to fly.
In groups of two and three.
Shooting that cloud with fairy dust
And singing joyfully.

Working all in unison,
The cloud began to die.
It blew apart, scattering dust.
And the wizard smiled on high.

The Doom Cloud had tried
To steal our spirit, you see?
But friendship and love,
Have kept "our" spirit free!
© Fairy Rua Dawn

midi~Gift of a Thistle
from the movie Braveheart