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~Three Weeks~

midi~Gentile Inspirations Theme

Three weeks...
It hardly seems enough time
to build an eternity of memories.

Three weeks...
So short a time for my fingertips
to memorize the atlas of your body.

Three weeks...
Time enough for me to know,
there'll never be another you.

You've taught me so much.
Of loving, of tenderness, of caring.
You've learned from me my moods,
my private thoughts, my deepest feelings.

Oh, my love there is so much more
I would learn from you,
if only there were time!
But, the day of parting,
is even now knocking on the door.

You'll go other places.
Meet new people.
Experience life without me!

Yet, don't be sad for me.
I've had three weeks!
And, oh, how I've lived them.

© RUA 1999,2001

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